What online resources are available if you find yourself in a frustrating situation and looking for

A selection of ideas and websites where you can start your journey to a better place.


(stress.about.com/od/tension tamers/a/stressrelievers.htm)

25 Ways to Reduce Stress includes such ideas as listening to music or more actively, learning assertive communication skills to deal with those who are causing you stress and frustration.



This is a great article on 33 ways to overcome frustration. This is a great list of ideas and I especially liked the last suggestion: write out a list of 33 ways to overcome frustration.



Do you work with frustrating co-workers? Forbes lists the 13 most frustrating co-worker types and how to deal with them.


Read some quotes on frustration that allows you to share and experience how some people turned adversity into some truly creative thoughts.



Kevin Daum, writing for Inc.com lists his suggestions for dealing with frustrating people who are standing in the way of your success.

Humour is at times the best medicine... if everything else fails, try a lighter approach…

Elizabeth Scott M.S. writing for About.com lists 10 ways to maintain a sense of humour when faced with life’s challenges. Her suggestion to reframe your situation – or see it through a new lens – is a wonderful suggestion to get past the frustration and see it in a new light.



Use humour to get over the situation and move to a more positive mental state. Here you can watch funny YouTube videos such as the Epic Rap Battles of History series of videos [such as: Stephen Hawking vs. Einstein; Mr. T vs. Mr. Rogers; Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates, etc.] or the Funny Cat and Dog videos that are all over YouTube.com.



The Laugh and Be Well article on the Complete Wellbeing website offers some great advice on always trying to find something to laugh about when having a bad day.


Have an app for that? Yes, the Frustration game app is available for the iPhone (free!)



And of course, “If life looks jolly rotten, there is something you’ve forgotten! And that is…always look at the bright side of life!” This is a sing along video with the Monty Python gang with the lyrics displayed. Watching this should bring a smile to just about anyone no matter how frustrated they may be.

© 2014 David J. Bilinsky

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