Here is a selection of sites that will help you craft your business plan and go solo:
There are any number of websites that have resources on starting a business, but liveplan is an interactive one that assists you in creating your business plan. It also has 500 examples that you can draw on (every lawyer likes a precedent, right?)
Law Society of BC
Under the practice resources section, we have a number of resources on starting and running a law practice, including a law firm budget spreadsheet precedent as well as resources on drafting a business plan.
CBA Practice Link
Michael McCubbin is featured in an article on the CBA’s PracticeLink resource pages entitled “Going Rogue Year One: A New Call Who Started His Own Law Firm.” This is just one example of how the CBA continues to build PracticeLink, which is a great resource for Canadian lawyers.
ABA Bar Association
John Snyder wrote an interesting article for the American Bar Association (ABA) entitled “10 Steps to Prepare Yourself for a Graceful Launch.” It is an example of the deep resources available on the ABA’s practice websites: Law Practice Magazine and Law Practice Today. Their books and other resources can be found on the Law Practice Division’s website at
Jay Foonberg
Jay Foonberg is a lawyer who has probably helped more lawyers start up a practice than anyone else in history. His seminal books How to Start and Build a Law Practice and How to Get and Keep Good Clients have been well-acknowledged and well-read.
( is another website with a tremendous collection of resources for someone looking to start their own firm.
Law school didn’t teach you how to be an entrepreneur or how to run a business. You need to expand your informational intake from just law and start changing your thinking. Fortunately, Entrepreneur magazine and their website is a great resource on how to start thinking differently.