Join the Movement for Culture Change in the Legal Community


Join the Movement for Culture Change in the Legal Community

The legal profession is a noble and important part of the fabric of our society. It serves the vital function of maintaining the balance between a society and the individual. I am grateful to be part of this community. We can be of service and be richly rewarded in many ways.

However, it has become apparent that there are some serious problems within our community. Research in the United States, published in 2016, showed a shocking level of distress among lawyers. This was followed up by a major research report in Canada, published in 2022, that confirmed this level of distress and included a breakdown of the types of concerns.

The 2016 and 2022 reports indicate unequivocally that there needs to be a change in the culture of the legal profession. Change is vital, yes, but there is no simple solution. No one person or entity has, nor can have, all the answers, or even all the questions. Culture is complex and deeply imbedded and systems can be quite intractable and self-sustaining.

So, we’re starting a movement to change our culture. A movement that brings all the stakeholders together for a deep inquiry into the true purpose of legal practice and the challenges to individual well-being. Together we can recognize the changes that need to be made, and actively work toward that happening.

We can do it. We have already started on an individual basis and in various interest groups. We’ve seen enormous changes in the past 30 years. The legal profession is full of people that want to help make society better. By accepting that mental health and addictions are important issues to be addressed, more people are getting help for these problems sooner. Wherever there is a perceived problem there are people and groups who jump in to deal with that problem. Progress is being made in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion, truth and reconciliation, and we’re starting to support alternative ways of practising law.

The Lawyers Assistance Program (LAPBC) helps those in distress and provides education and training to help individuals maintain well-being. But, when these individuals recuperate and return to their work they are immersed in the same dysfunctional culture that caused distress before. The change in the legal profession has to be cultural and systemic.

To keep the movement growing, and to make real, lasting and effective change, we all need to look deeper and broaden our vision to make changes that will impact all the various kinds of issues that are hurting people. Together we can create a kinder, more compassionate, healthier profession that is more productive, more fulfilling and more sustainable.

A movement brings together people from diverse perspectives to explore, experiment, create alternatives and try out solutions to problems — in this case, to make the legal profession healthier in all ways. The value of a movement lies less in agreeing on strategies or tactics, than in getting as many sectors as possible moving in the same direction, learning from each other and coming up with new creative ideas and ways of being.

This is a call to action. As an individual, you can get informed on issues, advocate for greater support, engage with colleagues to reduce stigma, be mindful of your personal well-being and that of others, talk about well-being, listen deeply to your peers and seek support when you need it.

As an employer you can appoint a Well-being Advocate or Committee, hear and try out their suggestions, provide training and education opportunities, and let people know about resources such as the LAPBC. When we approach change with curiosity and are open to hearing different perspectives, the regenerative energy will energize the entire firm.

The legal profession is a cornerstone of society. As we change priorities and well-being attitudes toward ourselves and others, ripples of compassion and kindness will be felt throughout society. Join the movement today, take personal action and get your group or organization to take action to enhance well-being.