Lawyer profiles in the BC Legal Directory are searchable by name, location, language(s) spoken and area(s) of practice, greatly increasing your reach to potential clients and referring lawyers.

All practising lawyers in BC are invited to enjoy a free Basic Profile. As a membership benefit at no extra cost, CBABC members can have an Enhanced Profile featuring a photo, biography and areas of practice. Non-members can upgrade to an Enhanced Profile for $175+GST annually.

To start the process, simply complete the following form and press “submit”. You will receive an invoice by email within two business days. Your listing will be published upon receipt of payment by cheque or credit card.


Fill in the fields you wish to display in your BC Legal Directory profile.

Enhanced Profile
Image will be resized to fit 150px wide by 150px high. Acceptable filetypes: .jpg, .bmp, .gif, .png

  1. I hereby certify that I am a member in good standing of the Law Society of British Columbia, or that I am authorized to enter into this contract to purchase advertising on behalf of the lawyer listed above.
  2. BC Legal Directory listings and listing descriptions are paid advertisements and not meant as referrals or recommendations from the Canadian Bar Association BC Branch (“CBABC”.
  3. All Enhanced Lawyer Profiles must be paid in full prior to posting.
  4. This agreement does not bind the CBABC to publish my listing. Content of my listing will be reviewed by the CBABC and I will be required to make any changes the CBABC considers necessary. If the CBABC does not publish my advertisement, any money I have paid in advance will be refunded.
  5. The CBABC may create, revise or cancel a discount or promotional offering at any time. Prices are subject to change.