2024 Program

From court backlogs, changes to the law and managing client expectations, family law practice can be challenging. Take advantage of this two-day conference that distills the best practices, latest breakthroughs and critical topics to help you stay prepared. Family law experts unpack amendments to the BC Family Law Act, discuss ethical dilemmas, explore parenting coordination issues and more. Plus, the highly anticipated ‘Year in Review’ returns with a breakdown of the latest cases.

Combine learning with a getaway at the Sparkling Hill Resort & Spa. Enjoy leisure options and fine dining while you connect and catch-up with colleagues. Learn, relax and make lasting connections!

Conference Planning Committee

Heidi Taylor, Chair, FH&P Lawyers LLP

Alexander J. Boland, Vice-Chair, Connect Family Law

Leneigh M. Bosdet, Law & Policy Liaison, Pushor Mitchell LLP

Bree R. Hankins, Member At Large, Pihl Law Corporation

Erin Bowman, Member At Large, Bowman Law Centre

Thu, Apr 25

8:30am | Registration Check-In

9:15am | Welcome

How to Create a Dementia-Friendly Family Law Practice
In this interactive workshop, Alzheimer Society of BC and a family law lawyer use a practice-based lens to explore the signs of dementia and the rights and capabilities of clients living with dementia. As you work through real-life practice scenarios on topics like division of assets on dissolution of marriage and long-term care, uncover tips and best practices for creating a dementia-friendly workplace and how to effectively communicate with clients and caregivers.

Sana Aziz, Strategic Lead, Dementia-Friendly Communities, Alzheimer Society of BC
Joni Metherell, Partner, Pushor Mitchell 

A Year in Review
In this highly anticipated session, presenters analyze the latest case law developments.

Todd Bell, Litigation Partner, Farris LLP 
Adam Prewer, Partner, Epstein Cole LLP 

1:00pm | Lunch

Trends in Parenting Coordination
Court delays leave limited options for parents with child-related disputes, making parenting coordination an attractive alternative. This session examines the trends in parenting coordination, including communication and conflict resolution, technology integration, and more.

Julia Hibbard, Partner, Hayward Sheppard Barristers & Solicitors 
Meghan Selinger, Co-Founder, Silver Selinger LLP 

View from the Bench: Appearing Before the Courts
Whether you are an experienced lawyer, or new to family law practice, it is crucial to understand what is expected of you in court. Gain valuable insights on how to properly prepare for this situation, including tips on preparation, mistakes to avoid and how to enhance your readiness.

Speaker: The Honourable Justice Briana Hardwick, Supreme Court of British Columbia

4:00pm | Break

Amendments to the BC Family Law Act & Impacts of AI on Practice
Paul Henry discusses some high-level amendments to the BC Family Law Act. He also discusses the effect of AI on the practice of family law and lawyers, and the influence of AI on our decision making and the justice system.

Speaker: Paul Henry, Collaborative Lawyer & Mediator, Collaborative Law Solutions 

5:10pm | Concluding Remarks

6:30pm | Dinner

Fri, Apr 26

8:30am | Registration Check-In

9:00am | Welcome

Child Support in the time of Delayed Adulthood
With changes in the economy and changes in parenting style, more adult children are financially dependent on their parents for longer than past generations. Alyson Jones and Karen Redmond examine both the legal impact of this delayed adulthood on child support as well as the psychological impact of this modern-day phenomena on families.

Alyson Jones, Alyson Jones, Family Therapist, Alyson Jones & Associates 
Karen Redmond, Principal Lawyer, Redmond Law 

Navigating Financial Crossroads: Bankruptcy and Asset Division
A close look at complex civil disputes and high-value family litigation where bankruptcy plays a major role in asset division. This session includes key case law updates and practical insights on the implications and options available to your clients.

Speaker: Jeffrey Robinson, Partner, Rush Ihas Hardwick

11:10am | Break

Family Violence: Myths, Stereotypes, and Biases
In this presentation, presenters review the relevance of family violence under the Family Law Act and the Divorce Act. They also discuss recent leading decisions from the Supreme Court of Canada, Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court of BC and provide practice tips for navigating cases involving family violence. 

Corinne Molloy, Clark Wilson LLP
Alex Boland, Partner, Connect Family Law

12:25pm | Lunch

Unlocking Legal Agreements: Challenges & Best Practices
Cohabitation and separation agreements are complex and can often lead to drafting challenges. Speakers work through case law examples to highlight court-recommended approaches for drafting these agreements.

Speaker: Bree Hankins, Trial Lawyer, Pihl Law 

2:25pm | Concluding Remarks