June 2024 The Demise of Self-Checkout Counters Thank you, shoplifters, seniors and luddites! Tony Wilson, KC
April 2024 Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely We learn from history that we do not learn from history Tony Wilson, KC
February 2024 “Any Book Worth Banning is a Book Worth Reading.” — Isaac Asimov “Those who seek to ban books are never on the right side of history. Never.” — Jon Rosenthal Tony Wilson, KC
December 2023 Truth or Consequences I follow an eclectic group of right-wing conspiracy theorists on social media, not because “I go where they go” (which is my own contraction for QAnon’s “WWG1WGA&rdquo... Tony Wilson, KC
October 2023 The Summer of Climate Hell There’s a recent cartoon in the New Yorker where two frogs are sitting in a pot of hot water on a stove and the pot is getting hotter. One points to the temperature knob. The other says... Tony Wilson, KC
August 2023 Buy Art from Living Artists In the early 70s, travelling with my family to London, my dad frequented a lot of art galleries that featured works that only the landed gentry could afford. At one gallery, the art dealer showed... Tony Wilson, KC
June 2023 Resistance is Futile Have some sympathy for your friendly Generative AI Tony Wilson, KC & Slartibartfast 4.2