Summary of Meetings: Class Action
Number of Meetings Held:4
October 06, 2020
Registration Count: 36
Guest Speaker: The Honourable Marshall Rothstein C.C., Q.C., Osler James Sullivan, Q.C., Blakes Angela Bespflug, Murphy Battista
Meeting Title/Topic: Panel Discussion: Impact of Atlantic Lottery Corp. Inc. v. Babstock on Class Actions in Canada
Synopsis: We joined for a panel discussion on the recent decision of Atlantic Lottery Corp. Inc. v. Babstock, 2020 SCC 19. In this decision the Supreme Court of Canada set aside a certification order and struck the plaintiffs' statement of claim in its entirety. In doing so, the SCC has clarified that waiver of tort is not an independent cause of action in Canadian law. Our panel will be discussing the impact of this decision on class actions in Canada.
March 03, 2021
Registration Count: 41
Guest Speaker: Jen Winstanley, Camp Fiorante Matthews Mogerman LLP. Mat Good, Good Barrister. Tracey M. Cohen, Q.C. – Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP. Jessica Lam, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP (Toronto).
Meeting Title/Topic: What Goes First? Sequencing Issues in Class Actions
Synopsis: Panel discussion on sequencing applications: -an overview on the current state of the law in British Columbia; -perspectives, from the plaintiff and defence side, on strategic considerations of sequencing applications; -a view on the state of the law in Ontario.
May 04, 2021
Registration Count: 25
Guest Speaker: Robert J. Bauman, Chief Justice of British Columbia Christopher E. Hinkson, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of BC
Meeting Title/Topic: British Columbia Class Actions “Bench & Bar” Reception
Synopsis: Members of the Class Action Section were invited to join us for a collegial virtual networking reception. The event featured opening remarks from Chief Justice of British Columbia, Robert J. Bauman, and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of BC, Christopher E. Hinkson. Following the remarks, attendees brokeout into small groups for discussion and networking with various judges and members of the class actions bar. This event was offered jointly by the Canadian Bar Association—BC Class Action Section and The Advocates’ Society Class Actions Practice Group, and was hosted on Zoom.
June 23, 2021
Registration Count: 44
Guest Speaker: Alexandra Mitretodis, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin Naomi Kovak, Camp Fiorante Matthews Mogerman
Meeting Title/Topic: 2020/2021 Year-in-review - Significant Class Action Decisions
Synopsis: Year in review of the BC class action practice. The most signficant decisions were reviewed.