Programs & Events Schedule

CBABC members receive complimentary access to continuing professional development (CPD) credits through Section meetings, and get preferred rates on other Professional Development events.

To receive email notifications of new Section events added to this schedule, please enroll in your preferred Sections.


Calendar View

Updated Mar 21, 2025

All times listed in Pacific time.

Tue Mar 25

4:30pm - 6:00pm

1.5 CPD


Criminal Justice-Vancouver, Criminal Justice-Vancouver Island Sections

Restorative Justice: The Collaborative Sentencing Program Model

David Gustafson, PhD (Faculty of Law, Leuven, Belgium), Adjunct Professor of Criminology at SFU, and Trauma Clinician (RCC), explains the key components of the Collaborative Sentencing Program Model being implemented.

Tuesday March 25 2025, , Zoom, Webinar,

Wed Mar 26

12:00pm - 1:00pm

1.0 CPD


Family Law-Fraser Valley Section

Bill C-92: Empowering Indigenous Jurisdiction in Child Welfare

The Honourable Steven Point, OC, OCB, will discuss the implications of Bill C-92, which affirms the inherent jurisdiction of Indigenous peoples over the care and protection of their children.

Wednesday March 26 2025, , Zoom, Webinar, Aboriginal,

Thu Mar 27

5:30pm - 7:30pm

1.5 CPD


ADR-Nanaimo Section

The Magic of Mediation: How to Find, Feed, and Foment It

Kenneth Cloke, Centre for Dispute Resolution, examines a few of the sources of magic in mediation, the transformational skills and transcendent techniques that allow us to move beyond conciliation and compromise to collaboration and consensus.

Thursday March 27 2025, , Zoom, Webinar, Alternative Dispute Resolution,

Mon Mar 31

5:30pm - 7:00pm

1.5 CPD (1.0 ethics)


Women Lawyers Forum-BC

Women Leading in Law

Hear personal accounts from women leaders about their journeys to leadership and how they approach their roles today.

Monday March 31 2025, , Zoom, Webinar, WLF,

Tue Apr 1

12:30pm - 1:30pm

1.0 CPD


Family Law-Vancouver Island Section

Disclosure Orders from the Directors Perspective

Beatriz Contreras and Katherine LeReverend discuss the procedures that need to be engaged when seeking records from the Director of Child, Family and Community Service (the Director) or the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD).

Tuesday April 1 2025, , Zoom, Webinar,

Thu Apr 3

8:30am - 9:30am

1.0 CPD (1.0 ethics)


Immigration Law Section

Overseas Lawyers' Group | In-Person

The Overseas Lawyers' Group is a monthly, informal meeting, coming to you in-person for March. The group discusses developments in immigration and citizenship law and policy, shares practice tips, and discusses challenging case scenarios.

Thursday April 3 2025, ,

Wed Apr 9

12:30pm - 2:00pm

1.5 CPD (1.5 ethics)



Applying Intersectionality as a Framework

Collaborate with other lawyers to apply intersectionality as a lens for problem solving, assessing ongoing work and strategizing for the future.

Wednesday April 9 2025, Paige Thombs, PHD Candidate, Faculty of Law, Associate Fellow, Centre for Studies in Religion in Society, University of Victoria, Zoom, Webinar, religion, spritual, faith, identity, human rights, social justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, society

Wed Apr 9

1:00pm - 2:00pm

1.0 CPD


ADR-Vancouver Section

Crafting Effective Minutes of Settlement

Join a discussion on Minutes of Settlement arising from mediation of family and estate matters. Tara R. Britnell, KC and Patricia Blair review the mechanics and the content of Minutes, as well what to do when things go wrong with implementation.

Wednesday April 9 2025, , Zoom, Webinar, Alternative Dispute Resolution,

Wed Apr 9

5:00pm - 6:00pm

1.0 CPD


Maritime Law Section

April Meeting

Join the Maritime Law Section Executive for a review and update on maritime law, practice and procedure. We are pleased to support a hybrid option for those who would like to attend in-person or online.

Wednesday April 9 2025, , Zoom, Webinar,

Fri Apr 11

12:45pm - 1:45pm

1.0 CPD


Children's Law Section

Resist/Refuse Parental Contact - A Child's Perspective

Brandys Evans and Michael Zimmerman talk about the most common orders available to the court in trying to address resist/refuse cases as well as the impact on a child as a result of these orders

Friday April 11 2025, , Zoom, Webinar,

Mon Apr 14

12:00pm - 1:00pm

1.0 CPD


Pensions & Benefits Law Section

Pensions: It’s Complicated, But We Can Help

In this session, Adrian Rockwell discusses common issues that the BC Pension Corporation sees in the administration of pension benefits and practical insights for lawyers to help better serve clients with pension considerations in mind.

Monday April 14 2025, , Zoom, Webinar,

Tue Apr 15

12:00pm - 1:30pm

1.5 CPD


Business Law, Legal Research Sections

Contracts - Case Law Update for the Commercial Practitioner

Lisa Peters, KC, presents her annual case-law update on decisions relevant to commercial practice. Topics include: exclusion clauses in contracts for the sale of goods, illegal contracts at common law, penalty clauses, relief from forfeiture and unconscionability, survival clauses, forum selection clauses, good faith jurisprudence, privity of contract and arbitration clauses.

Tuesday April 15 2025, , Zoom, Webinar,

Wed Apr 16

12:00pm - 1:00pm

1.0 CPD


Civil Litigation-Vancouver Island Section

Conquering the Courtroom: The Ultimate Guide to Trial Preparation

David Juteau, a seasoned lawyer with 16 years of experience and managing partner at Pearlman Lindholm, specializes in civil litigation with a strong focus on preparing for BC Supreme Court trials. He shares invaluable insights into the trial preparation process, offering practical tips and strategies to ensure success in the courtroom.

Wednesday April 16 2025, , Zoom, Webinar,

Wed Apr 16

6:00pm - 7:00pm

1.0 CPD


Wills & Trusts-Okanagan Section

Joint Tenancy and Making Gifts of the Right of Survivorship

Scott Kerwin, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, discusses the creation and severance of joint tenancies, and the emerging law about making gifts of the right of survivorship. Scott specifically touches on the Ontario Court of Appeal decision in Jackson v. Rosenberg, 2024 ONCA 875.

Wednesday April 16 2025, , Zoom, Webinar,

Thu Apr 24

12:00pm - 1:00pm

1.0 CPD


Charities and Not-For-Profit Law Section

Privacy Law Concerns for Charities and Not-for-Profits

Lynn Khng, a privacy and cybersecurity lawyer at Telus, explores how privacy legislation applies to charities and non-profits in British Columbia, and shares best practices for privacy management, data breach prevention, and protecting sensitive information when using AI.

Thursday April 24 2025, , Zoom, Webinar,

Thu Apr 24

8:30am - 9:30am

1.0 CPD (1.0 ethics)


Immigration Law Section

Overseas Lawyers' Group - April Meeting

The Overseas Lawyers' Group is a monthly, informal virtual meeting. The group discusses developments in immigration and citizenship law and policy, shares practice tips, and discusses challenging case scenarios.

Thursday April 24 2025, , Zoom, Webinar,

Thu Apr 24 - Fri Apr 25

9.5 CPD (2.0 ethics)



BC Legal Conference: Family Law 2025

Lawyers who practice family law have a tough job. Every day, British Columbians rely on you to tackle their everyday problems. Take a step away from the desk this April and learn new tools to become a more effective and well-rounded lawyer. With tips on the best family law practices, new technology and common mistakes to avoid, you’ll be equipped to provide exceptional support and make a lasting impact in your clients’ lives. This conference offers unique insights into a wide range of family law topics from experts in the field. Listen, workshop and network with speakers and other family law lawyers by day and relax at the Sparkling Hill Resort & Spa by night.

Thursday April 24 2025, Scott Y. Amano, President, Amano Financial Advisory Services Ltd.; Todd Bell, Litigation Partner, Farris LLP; Alex Boland, Partner, Connect Family Law; Leneigh Bosdet, Partner, Pushor Mitchell LLP; Erin Brook, Owner, Brook Law; Daniela Cangelosi, Director of Canadian Content, LEAP; Julia Chalkley, Associate, Connect Family Law; The Honourable Justice Briana Hardwick, Supreme Court of BC; Puneet Mann, Principal Lawyer, Mahogany Law; Christine Montgomery, Vice President Family Law, DivorceMate; Taryn Moore, Partner, Pushor Mitchell; Malcolm Muthulingum, Chief Executive Officer, LEAP; Maryanne Prohl, Director of Risk Management, Lawyers Indemnity Fund; Derek M Sanders, Managing Director, Spence Valuation Group; Andrea Swabuk-Moe, Lawyer & Mediator, YSM Family Law LLP; Jasmeet K Wahid, Partner, Aaron Gordon Daykin Nordlinger LLP, family, children, arbitration, resolution, appellate, amendments, business, divorce, estate planning, valuation reports, financial concepts, negotiations, court, family orders, enforcement assistance, act, cyberfraud, indemnity policy, cybercrimes, pleadings, trial, judiciary, courtroom, artificial intelligence, workshop, AI, legal research, document, drafting, probate, estate, workweek, mental health, wellness, anxiety

Mon Apr 28

12:00pm - 1:00pm

1.0 CPD


Securities Law Section

Recent Developments in US Securities Law

Teresa Tomchak, Partner, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP, provides an update on recent trends in securities law litigation including plans of arrangement, take-over bids, and securities law class actions.

Monday April 28 2025, , Zoom, Webinar,

Tue Apr 29

12:00pm - 1:00pm

1.0 CPD


Insurance Law Section

Additional Insured: Coverage Please

Hollis Bromley reviews insurance coverage principles governing additional insured coverage and how that coverage can result in potentially assuming the defense of another party. Hollis also looks at how insured coverage differs from contractual indemnity provisions including conflict considerations and the role of defense counsel.

Tuesday April 29 2025, , Zoom, Webinar,

Tue May 13

5:00pm - 6:30pm

1.5 CPD (1.5 ethics)



Diversity on the Bench

Learn about the day-to-day activities of a judge in Provincial and Supreme Courts, the skills and knowledge required, what to consider when applying to the Bench, and how applications are evaluated.

Tuesday May 13 2025, Emily Drown, Chair, Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal, Nancy Singh, Senior Advisor, Crown Agencies and Board Resourcing Office, Darrell Le Houillier, Chair, Environmental Appeal Board / Forest Appeals Commission / Energy Resource Appeal Tribunal, Zoom, Webinar, bench, judge, application, apply, career, judiciary, judicial, justice, provincial, supreme, appeal, federal, court, courts, promotion, EDI

Wed May 21

4:30pm - 6:00pm

1.5 CPD (1.5 ethics)



Diversity on Tribunals

Our panelists will guide you on how to draw upon your experience, knowledge, and skills to become a tribunal member and share how best to convey your expertise in your application.

Wednesday May 21 2025, Justice David Harris, Court of Appeal of BC & Chair, Judicial CAdvisory Committee, Chief Judge Melissa Gilespie, Provincial Court of BC & Chair, Judicial Council, Justice Palbinder K. Shergill, Supreme Court of BC, Judge Shehni Dossa, Provincial Court of BC, Judge Raymond Phillips, Provincial Court of BC, Zoom, Webinar, application, tribunal, tribunals, CRT, HRT, civil, rights, human, rights, board, directors, career, judge, apply, promotion, EDI

Fri May 23 - Sun May 25

5.5 CPD (2.0 ethics)


Aboriginal Lawyers Forum

ALF Retreat 2025

Indigenous professionals come together to learn from each other during this empowering retreat. This year's theme is Culture and Community: Bringing Indigenous Lawyers and Law Students Together.

Friday May 23 2025, Hugh Braker, KC; Cynthia Callison; Debra Febril; Debra Hanuse; Leah Mack; Melanie Mortensen; Tamara Napoleon; Val Napoleon; Douglas White III, ALF, Aboriginal, Indigenous, Indigenous, Aboriginal, empowerment, first nations, culture, community, students, connection, retreat, politics, medicine making, creative practices, harvesting, plants, beading, managing, law firm, boss, firm, cedar, elder, legal orders, drafting, ethics, practice management

Mon May 26

12:00pm - 1:00pm

1.0 CPD


Workplace Investigations Section

An Introduction to A.I. in Workplace Investigations

David Louie, Lawyer and Investigator, Southern Butler Price LLP, and Jordan Michaux, Associate, Roper Greyell LLP, discuss the impacts, potential applications, and relevant considerations of artificial intelligence in workplace investigations. 

Monday May 26 2025, , Zoom, Webinar,
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