Summary of Activities
Number of Meetings Held: 4
July 20, 2012
Guest Speaker: Suzette Narbonne
A Summary of Ms. Narbonne's experience at the missing women's inquiry.
September 3, 2011
Guest Speaker: Justice Punett
Presentation on practice & procedure.
Decemeber 8, 2011
Guest Speaker: Linda Locke
Legal Situation with FN's leadership and the Enbridge Pipeline. New MVA legislation.
April 12, 2012
Green Paper Review
Reports and Resolutions
Input to the CBA Committee advising on the Green Paper Review.
Comments and Observations of the Chair
This has been a difficult year for our fledgling section, we continue to struggle with numbers and meeting times. I am leaving Prince Rupert for Kamloops, but my replacement here is a CBA member and prepared to take over the Chair's position.
I am hopeful that the numbers will stabilize and the section will be able to meet more regularly.