Submitted by Section Co-Chair, Nina Purewal
Summary of Meetings
Number of Meetings Held: 3
May 9, 2016
Guest Speaker: Judge Jackson, Sharon McGregor (JCM), Mark Crisp, Joseph McCarthy
Meeting Title/Topic: The Practical Side of Bail Hearings
Synopsis: A panel discussion on the practical side of bail hearings for all years of call.
December 10, 2015
Guest Speaker: Ian Lawson, Joseph McCarthy, Megan Olsen
Meeting Title/Topic: Conflicts
Synopsis: We had a panel discussion on the issue of conflicts and what has to be done when there is in fact a real conflict on a file.
Guest Speaker: Sara Hopkins
Meeting Title/Topic: Legislative Update
Synopsis: Sara provided a legislative update to the bar in Terrace.
Comments and Observations of the Chair
We started off our last year with an executive that only had two active members (ie the rest were unwilling to assist in planning). Then half way during the year the Co-Chair quit. So we had some executive problems this pas year. However, we have 3 new members who have committed to being on the executive for the upcoming year and I am excited to be a more effective group.