Summary of Meetings: Family Law - Kamloops
Number of Meetings Held: 7
Friday, October 20, 2017
Guest Speaker: Colin Galinski - Galinski Law
Meeting Title/Topic: Colin Galinski’s Pension Primer
Synopsis: Coliln Galinski, a lawyer with extensive knowledge in the area of employment pensions and family law, gave a presentation on this topic.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Guest Speaker: Richard Benwell, Counsel for FMEP
Meeting Title/Topic: Kamloops Family Law Section Meeting - FMEP Updates
Synopsis: Mr. Benwell provided us with information/updates on collection do's and don’ts, calculations FMEP would do for section 7s, what FMEP does when arrears or on-going support is being challenged, how the changes to the table amounts would impact FMEP, and current issues for FMEP.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Guest Speaker: David Griffiths - Manager, Legal Services
Heidi Mason - Director, Legal Advice and Representation
Meeting Title/Topic: Legal Services Society Outlook for 2018
Synopsis: This meeting provided counsel with an update about anticipated LSS programs and funding for 2018 and allow for feedback from counsel.
Wedesday, January 24, 2018
Guest Speaker: Master Robert William McDiarmid
Meeting Title/Topic: Chambers Applications and the Issues That Arise
Synopsis: Master McDiarmid spoke about family law issues that arise in Chambers applications.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Guest Speaker: The Honorable Judge Ellen Burdett, Regional Administrative Judge, Provincial Court of British Columbia
Meeting Title/Topic: Regional Practice: Points and Policies
Synopsis: The Honorable Judge Ellen Burdett discussed regional practice points/policies, including FCC policy; NOM vs Application; interim orders vs review orders; etc.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Guest Speaker: Idris Marican, Interior Community Services
Meeting Title/Topic: Family Law Section Meeting
Synopsis: Mr. Marican spoke about supervised access, family support workers and the Caring Dads' Program.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Guest Speaker: Dr. Robert Baker, Family Doctor, Kamloops
Meeting Title/Topic: CBABC Family Section Meeting
Synopsis: Dr. Baker spoke about addiction issues.
Comments and Observations of the Chair