Submitted by Section Co-Chair, Stephanie Gutierrez
Summary of Meetings
Number of Meetings Held: 5
September 10, 2014
Guest Speaker: Steve Adamson, Registrar, BC Human Rights Tribunal and Katherine Hardie, Counsel, BC Human Rights Tribunal
Meeting Title/Topic: What you need to know about the Tribunal's new Rules of Practice and Procedure
Synopsis: On July 15, 2014, the Human Rights Tribunal issued amended Rules of Practice and Procedure, new forms and replaced all of its Information Sheets. Guest speakers Steve Adamson and Katherine Hardie will discuss these amendments, how they may impact you in your practice, and answer your questions. At the outset of this meeting, the Human Rights Section Co-Chairs will introduce the new members of the Section Executive, and take your comments and suggestions for upcoming sessions.
November 4, 2014
Guest Speaker: Michael Watt, Alexander, Holburn, Beaudin & Lang LLP and Robyn Durling, B.C. Human Rights Coalition
Meeting Title/Topic: Recent Cases of Interest
Synopsis: The speakers provided an update and took questions regarding recent and noteworthy developments in human rights cases, with an emphasis on British Columbia cases.
February 26, 2015
Guest Speakers: David Thomas, Chair, Canadian Human Rights Tribunal
Meeting Title/Topic: The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal: Trends, Observations and Developments
Synopsis: Chair Thomas discussed the composition and structure of the federal tribunal and will comment on any trends, observations and developments including the recent legislative changes.
May 19, 2015
Guest Speaker: Robyn Durling, Co-Director, BC Human Rights Clinic, Steve Adamson, Registrar, BC Human Rights Tribunal and Jessica Connell, Legal Counsel, BC Human Rights Tribunal
Meeting Title/Topic: A.D.R. Potpourri and Updates
Synopsis: Robyn Durling is the Co-Director of the newly integrated BC Human Rights Clinic operated by the Community Legal Assistance Society. Robyn discussed the mandate, services and operations of the Clinic that now provides province-wide information and education services regarding human rights law in BC as well as legal representation to eligible complainants before the BC Human Rights Tribunal.
Steve Adamson is the Registrar and Jessica Connell is Legal Counsel at the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal, an independent, quasi-judicial body responsible for accepting, screening, mediating, and adjudicating human rights complaints in the province. Steve and Jessica provided the Tribunal’s annual review and update to the Bar.
June 16, 2015
Guest Speakers: Stephanie Gutierrez and Aleem Bharmal (Human Rights Section Co-Chairs)
Meeting Title/Topic: CBABC Human Rights Section Executive Election: Call for Volunteers - 2015/2016 Section Term
Comments and Observations of the Chair
It has been an excellent year for the Section, with interesting section meetings that were very well-attended. We believe we brought value to CBABC members by providing continuing legal education, and opportunities to get members of the bar and both the BC and Canadian Human Rights Tribunals together, and discuss matters relevant to human rights practitioners. Some highlights include the meeting with Chair Thomas of the Canadian Human Rights Tribual wherein he discussed the composition and structure of the federal tribunal, and commented on trends, observations and developments, including recent legislative changes, and the annual update from the BC Human Rights Tribunal.