Annual Report 2017/2018

  • July 05, 2018

Summary of Meetings: Social Justice

Number of Meetings Held: 4

December 13, 2017
Guest Speaker:
Meeting Title/Topic: Holiday Mixer
Synopsis: Annual holiday mixer, invitees included our new Section Executive, our section members, as well as members of the Social Justice Advocacy Network

January 16, 2018
Guest Speaker: Zool Suleman, QC, Suleman & Co; Hasan Alam, British Columbia Government and Service Employees' Union; Krisha Dhaliwal, Larlee Rosenberg; Sarah Khan, BC Public Interest Advocacy Centre
Meeting Title/Topic: The Rise of Islamophobia
Synopsis: The speakers are all members of the Islamophobia Legal Assistance Hotline. They discussed their work with the hotline and the disturbing rise of Islamophobia.

February 21, 2018
Guest Speaker:
Meeting Title/Topic: Social Justice / Law Union / SJAN Mixer
Synopsis: Invited members of CBABC Social Justice Section, Law Union of BC, and Social Justice Action Network. Brainstorming potential future joint projects and causes, and promoted the joint Social Justice Conference March 3rd, 2018

June 21, 2018
Guest Speaker:
Meeting Title/Topic: End of Term Social Justice Patio Mixer w SJAN & LUBC
Synopsis: Introduced the new Section Executive for the upcoming term. Also invited members of Law Union of BC, and Social Justice Action Network.

Comments and Observations of the Chair
