Nominations are closed

The Community Supporter Award honours the valuable non-legal contributions of CBABC members supporting local, cultural and professional communities in our province.


Nominees must be CBABC members but cannot be current CBABC or CBA staff, current members of the CBABC Provincial Council, or current members of the CBABC Board of Directors. The award may not be made posthumously. A previous recipient is ineligible for consideration.


This award recognizes CBABC members anywhere in BC who have demonstrated outstanding dedication, service and commitment to supporting their community by contributing the critical behind-the-scenes work for community building and events.


Nominations are sought in the spring. The Board of Directors selects the recipient. The nominee must consent to the nomination and must be nominated by three CBABC members in good standing.


The award is presented by the CBABC President at the last Provincial Council meeting of the fiscal year, usually held in June. The award is a brass plate on a walnut plaque.

Previous Recipients

2023 - Angela Price-Stephens

2022 - Vanessa Werden

2016 - Kevin MacDonald

2014 - Kim Alicia Karras, Frances M. Kelly

2012 - James Sutherland, Jeff Zilkowsky, Georgialee Lang

2010 - Jennifer Chow, Allan Donovan and Janneke Lewis

2008 - Theresa Arsenault, Perry Ehrlich, James Legh, Suzette Narbonne and Linda Robertson

2006 - Elizabeth B Lyall, Patrick J Julian and Peter CP Behie

2005 - Lorianna Bennett, Christopher Doll, Richard Molstad, Alisa Noda and Gary Wilson

2004 - Graeme V R Keirstead, Jonathan Lampman, Hugh McLellan, Linda Parsons and Mark Virgin

2003 - Michael B Ellis, Gavin Hume, QC, Linda D Locke, Michael A McVea and James (Jim) Stout

2002 - Halldor Bjarnason, Gary M Brooke and G Glen Ridgway, QC

2001 - William Tierney Lane, Paul Levy, Ronald MacIsaac, Irene G Peters and Roy James Stewart, QC

2000 - Murray Sadler, QC, Michael Coleman, Tommy Tao, Ronald Lou-Poy, Trevin Rogers and Paul Mitchell

Names, designations and honorifics are reflected as they were when the award was presented.

Additional Information 

CBABC Awards
604.687.3404 or 1.888.687.3404