The Equality & Diversity Award celebrates CBABC members who have succeeded in advancing equality in the legal profession or generally in British Columbia.
Candidates must be individual lawyers who are members of CBABC. Groups are not eligible for consideration.
The award recognizes an individual who has significantly contributed to improving the status of women, people with disabilities, people of colour, Aboriginal people or peoples, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or two-spirited people or people who are members of historically marginalized communities.
Consideration will be given to candidates who have successfully championed equality and promoted understanding of diversity through education, policy development, advocacy (including litigation), creating or leading organizational change, volunteerism with equality-seeking groups, or other means.
Consideration will be given to candidates who have worked on race, disability, sexual orientation, gender or other diversity issues in their communities, in government or government agencies, within the institutions of the legal profession (including CBA, the Law Society, CLE, LSS, the judiciary, or the law schools), or elsewhere.
NOMINATION & selection
Nominations are sought in the spring. The CBABC Board of Directors selects the recipient. The nominee must consent to the nomination and must be nominated by three CBABC members in good standing.
The award is presented by the CBABC President at the last Provincial Council meeting of the fiscal year, usually held in June. The award is a round glass award on a stand.
Previous Recipients
2024 - Anita Atwal
2023 - Jim Wu
2022 - Ken Kramer, QC and Audrey Jun
2021 - Susanna Allevato Quail
2020 - Tina Parbhakar
2019 - Kamaljit Lehal
2018 - Zara Suleman
2017 - Adrienne Smith
2016 - The Honourable Donna Martinson, QC
2014 - Janine L. Benedet
2013 - Benjamin D. Levine
2012 - Jennifer Spencer
2011 - Jennifer Conkie, QC
2010 - Sarah Rauch
2009 - Kuan Foo
2008 - Valli Chettiar
2007 - Anna Fung, QC
2006 - Anne Bhanu Chopra
2005 - Halldor Bjarnason
2004 - Joseph J Arvay, QC
Names, designations and honorifics are reflected as they were when the award was presented.
Additional Information
CBABC Awards
604.687.3404 or 1.888.687.3404