Nominations are open until Fri, Feb 14!
The WLF Award of Excellence celebrates the accomplishments of a woman who has succeeded in breaking new ground for women in the legal profession in BC. The award recognizes an exceptional woman who has taken risks, fostered change and ultimately opened doors for women lawyers. In this award we are not only celebrating the woman’s distinguished career achievements, but her outstanding contributions to women in the legal profession as a change agent, leader and mentor.
Nominees must be CBABC members but cannot be members of the WLF National or Branch Executives. Nominees must have more than 10 years of call. WLF welcomes and encourages the nomination of any lawyer who is a woman (both cisgender and transgender).
Consideration will be given to candidates who have:
- Successfully advanced changes in the practice of law for women lawyers, including, but not limited to leadership, mentoring, education, writing, the development of policies, systems, development of new firms, as well as committee work that has enhanced the practice of law for women.
- Worked on issues related to the practice of law for women, issues of retention, upward mobility, firm culture and general advancement of women in law.
- Succeeded in breaking new frontiers for women lawyers, including, but not limited to positions in professional associations (such as the CBA, LSBC, TLABC, VBA, etc.); appointments to boards and commissions; and leadership roles in government and/or business.
Nominations must be submitted by 4:30pm PT on Friday, February 14, 2025.
There must be three nominators, one of which must be a CBABC member. Nominators cannot be members of the current year’s Selection Committee.
The following items must be included in the Nomination:
- Name & contact details for the Nominee and confirmation that they accept the nomination.
- Names & contact details for three Nominators, one of which must be a CBABC member.
- Nominee’s curriculum vitae
- At least three (and a maximum of six) letters of support including:
- A letter from at least one of the Nominators.
- A letter from an individual outside the Nominee’s workplace.
- A letter detailing the reasons why the Nominee should be recognized, based on the criteria outlined above.
Submitted nomination packages are valid for two consecutive award periods.
IMPORTANT: Please note the form and all uploads must be completed and submitted in one session on this webpage. It is not possible to save incomplete forms and exit, to return later for completion. Please complete your award submission in its entirety before exiting this site.