Letter from the President

  • May 20, 2015

Influence. Leadership. Protection. These words describe the CBA mandate to serve our members every day in countless ways from legislative reform and advocacy, to education and direct member service. Advocating for lawyers is inherent in everything the Canadian Bar Association does – sometimes in a very public setting, and other times in ways that occur outside of the public spotlight.

As President of the BC Branch I want to update you on one such issue that is perhaps not receiving enough attention. I know that we are all very busy, so you may have missed an important message from the President of the Law Society, Ken Walker, QC, in which he outlines what is currently underway at the Law Society in terms of negotiating a potential regulatory merger with the Society of Notaries Public, including active discussions about an expanded scope of practice for Notaries. This is an issue of significance to the profession, and I urge you to stay aware of the Law Society’s activities and communications about it.

For the past five years, CBABC has actively participated in, and commented on, the potential provision of legal services by legal providers other than lawyers, and the potential expansion of Law Society governance to include other legal providers. We are committed to participating in any constructive discussions that result in meaningful improvements in Access to Justice. We are equally clear that any expansion of scope of services by any legal service provider must have protection of the public at the forefront, and be based on meeting an actual unmet need for legal services.

As President Walker’s message outlines, one of the Working Groups established by the Law Society is tasked with identifying the education and qualifications that would be required for Notaries to provide additional legal services, should they be approved to provide such services. The Law Society has invited CBABC to have one representative on that Group, and has also committed to broad consultation with the profession in the course of its work.

We have committed to open and transparent communications with members, and we will continue to keep you informed on this issue. However, it is also important that you watch for and respond to opportunities to provide your input directly to the Law Society . As the President of your professional association, I believe it critically important that all lawyers consider this matter and provide your views not just to me (president@cbabc.org) but also to your local Benchers.


Alex Shorten's signature

Alex Shorten