BarTalk is the professional magazine for B.C.’s lawyers and a profile-building opportunity for CBABC members.
We’re looking for volunteer authors to write on the following themes and article ideas. Share your perspective and get your profile in front of thousands of BarTalk readers!
Contact us at to let us know what you'd like to write about.
April 2025 — Immigration Law — FULL
June 2025 — Artificial Intelligence — FULL
August 2025 — Starting your Legal Career — FULL
October 2025 — Social Justice Issues
- A perspective on the controversy with civil disobedience. Some spend a lot of time prosecuting people for defying court orders.
- Where do things stands as to why class actions. Why did we adopt class proceedings? From a class action aspect would be from an academic or critical perspective. Find someone outside of someone defending large corporate interests.
- Some of the main plaintiffs are the BC government seeking litigation.
- Lawyers who work for defendants.
- Lawyers who work for the plaintiff.
- In terms of public interest litigation, we could have someone write about the environment.
- Litigation focused on improving housing for everyone/the unhoused.
- Acting for clients without a fixed address (i.e., unhoused persons). Implications for client ID, service, etc.?
- Activist Shareholder issues.
- Test Charter litigation as well as intervener groups that intervene in appeals. For the most part, in the Supreme Court of Canada.
- Legal Aid funding — general overview of what lawyers who take these cases receive in terms of fees and if this number is outdated or not.
- Technology in legal practice — with new programs that can greatly assist and advance litigation coming onto the market, a lot of which are expensive, will access to these technologies be a barrier for social justice organizations going forward.
- The Human Rights Tribunal and the delays in human rights cases, which is a huge issue.
- Constitutional challenge to the Legal Aid system because of the lack of funding for family law. They had a resolution on this last year but perhaps an update might be good. See
- Constitutional challenges regarding plaintiffs in motor vehicle accidents.
- Advocacy from government to pass legislation e.g., legislation that has passed for online bullying.
December 2025 — Adjudicators and Advocates
- How the judiciary works with lawyers and how lawyers work with the judiciary from a practical/theoretical perspective. How each level of the court interacts with lawyers in various ways?
- Different types of decision makers within that relationship of bench and the bar such as administrative decision makers.
- Tips for how to help the court in the job that they have to do.
- The importance of diversity on the Bench and Diversity on Tribunals. Specifically, how cultural awareness (or lack of it) may affect decisions such as those require subjective assessment of credibility?
- Becoming an adjudicator for the LSBC tribunal.
- The mental wellness of adjudicators.
- The number of outstanding judicial vacancies — an issue with failure to appoint candidates or a failure to find candidates?
- A perspective from an arbitrator on their decision-making processes.
- Non-lawyer adjudicators.
- Administrative procedures in the province.
- Dispute Resolution and Adjudication.
February 2026 — Estate Law
- INDIGENOUS MATTERS — First Nations peoples who live on reserve and have certificate of possession land (CP lands), which is as close as you get to fee simple on reserve land. There is a real problem with residents not having wills in order to pass on these CP lands. The A2J Committee is looking at organizing lawyer volunteers to draft wills for on-reserve people.
- Focus on estate litigation, which is an area where a lot of civil litigators are pivoting toward no-fault. It’s an area where a lot of litigation will arise from the natural passing of the baby boomer generation with significant number of people passing along houses, estates, etc. It’s a slowly growing area of law.
- Succession Planning.
- Estate Planning.
- Pension and benefits considerations.