Join Provincial Council! As the advisory body to the Board of Directors, members of Provincial Council bring the concerns and interests of lawyers in their region or Section to the attention of the CBABC Board and bring the latest developments in our profession back to members.
There are 18 representatives from Sections who are elected to Provincial Council. This year, there are twelve members to be elected for two-year terms. As a result of changes to the bylaws at the AGM, there are no longer “Remaining Section” positions and instead groups of Sections are designated a representative.
Any member of a Section Executive on December 31, 2024 is eligible to stand for election. If elected, you must maintain CBA membership throughout your term of office, but do not need to remain on the Section Executive. You just need to keep in communication with the Section Chair.
Complete a Candidate Statement and send it to, no later than 5pm on Friday, February 28, 2025. If you have questions, please contact the Chief Executive Officer, Kerry Simmons, KC at For details, please see the Bylaws and Governance Policy
Where a Section Representative represents only one Section (e.g. Immigration), the entire Executive of that Section is eligible to vote. Where a Section representative represents a number of Sections (like Workplace Investigations/Employment/Labour), the Chair, Vice-Chair and Law & Policy Liaison of each related Executive is eligible to vote. Those eligible to vote (the Electorate) will be notified. Those standing for election will receive a list of the Electorate related to their position.
Elections Required
Business, Tax, Insolvency, Securities* |
Civil Litigation (all Sections) |
Criminal Justice (all Sections) |
Family Law (all Sections) |
Public Sector Lawyers |
Real Property/Commercial & Real Estate |
Women Lawyers Fora (all Sections) |
Young Lawyers (all Sections) |
*This Section grouping has two Section Representatives, one of whom is David Hainey, and one is to be elected in this election cycle.
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