CBABC Congratulates BC NDP on Forming New Government

  • July 05, 2017

CBABC extends congratulations to Premier-designate John Horgan and the BC NDP on being asked to form government.

CBABC is encouraged by the commitments that the new government made in its campaign platform
to ensure a justice system that works. Commitments such as improving legal aid and addressing the shortage of court sheriffs and other court services staff are key priorities for the CBABC. 

“BC’s new government has already indicated its stronger commitment to legal aid with increased funding. We encourage this pledge to be maintained so more British Columbians can have better access to justice and legal representation,” said CBABC President, Michael Welsh.

Earlier this year, CBABC offered a series of over 30 recommendations and reforms in its position paper, An Agenda for Justice, to improve access to justice for British Columbians.  The paper offers concrete suggestions for action that will make a tangible difference for BC’s families, businesses and communities.  

President Welsh continued, “People tend to think about justice as being the police, the courts and prisons, but it is about much more. At least 40 percent of family law cases in BC involve someone who is not legally represented. All British Columbians fundamentally deserve access to legal advice and representation otherwise legal problems spread through our society and become social problems. Better access will be achieved by ending this period of badly underfunded legal aid and providing a stable and healthier commitment to it – that will bring better overall access to justice for BC families and our communities.”

For more information on An Agenda for Justice, please visit