Reports, Research and Papers

There has been considerable study of legal aid in British Columbia, across Canada, and throughout the commonwealth countries. The Canadian Bar Association (CBA) commissioned a report from Melina Buckley, entitled "Moving Forward on Legal Aid," which was released in June 2010. It summarizes much of the existing research and suggests ways in which the CBA could be involved in taking the issue farther in Canada.

In June 2010, the British Columbia Branch of The Canadian Bar Association (CBABC) and five other organizations in British Columbia formed the Public Commission on Legal Aid in British Columbia. Those organizations include The Law Society of British Columbia, The Law Foundation of British Columbia, the British Columbia Crown Counsel Association, the Vancouver Bar Association and Victoria Bar Association. The Commission is headed by Commissioner Leonard T. Doust, QC, and has its own website at

The Commission held public hearings in 11 communities in British Columbia throughout the Fall of 2010, and received 73 written submissions and 136 in-person presentations from individuals, organizations and groups familiar with the legal aid system in British Columbia. The result of that work and input is provided in the Commission’s report, entitled "Foundation for Change," which was released on March 8, 2011. Read the CBABC’s response here.

The other studies listed below are some of those which were included in the Buckley report or included in submissions to, or material from, the Public Commission on Legal Aid in British Columbia. Links to these reports are included, with a brief introduction.
