
Weed in the Workplace: A Primer for Employer Action

  • June 04, 2018

Medically authorized marijuana is currently legal in Canada and in 2018, it is expected that recreational marijuana will become legal as well. Employers should take a proactive approach in dealing with this changing landscape, and to this end, we have outlined some key action items below.

Hold ICBC Accountable for Funding Shortfall, Not Public

  • April 24, 2018

CBABC Branch President Bill Veenstra calls on Attorney General David Eby and Premier John Horgan to withdraw provisions in proposed new legislation introduced yesterday that restrict the rights of citizens to receive full and fair compensation and create new exclusive resolution processes for disputes outside of the Courts.

Canada and the other TPP-11 Countries Conclude the CPTPP Agreement

  • March 09, 2018

On January 23rd, the eleven remaining members of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement announced the conclusion of their discussions on a revised free trade agreement. Re-branded the “Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership” (CPTPP), the new deal is expected to be signed on or about March 8th at a ceremony in Chile.

A Closer Look at Round Six of the NAFTA Negotiations

  • March 09, 2018

Round six of the NAFTA negotiations concluded in Montreal on January 29, 2018. Trade ministers from Canada, the United States and Mexico rejoined the talks this round with the aim of creating movement on contentious chapters.

B.C.’s Bitumen Blockade: Selected Legal Options Available to Producers and Shippers

  • March 09, 2018

On September 21, 2017, a landmark trade deal between Canada and the European Union (“EU”), the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (“CETA” or the “Agreement”), came into provisional effect after almost a decade of negotiations. Provisional application of CETA is a milestone achievement which ushers in a number of significant changes to the Canadian legal and regulatory landscape.

CBABC responds to BC Budget 2018

  • February 20, 2018

“All British Columbians, especially our most vulnerable, need effective access to legal advice and representation. With today’s budget, the government has made significant steps toward that goal, but a healthier investment is still necessary.” Bill Veenstra, CBABC President

CBABC responds to ICBC changes

  • February 06, 2018

“The unintended consequences of implementing a cap will deprive many British Columbians of the compensation they deserve. Caps decrease the accountability of unsafe drivers, the cost of which is then borne by the victim who was not at fault. The answer to ICBC’s current financial woes is not to place the burden on the shoulders of innocent victims,” said Bill Veenstra, CBABC president.