
ALF Letter of Congratulations to Michelle O’Bonsawin

  • August 23, 2022

"The Aboriginal Lawyers Forum of the Canadian Bar Association BC Branch extends our most sincere congratulations to the Honourable Madam Justice Michelle O’Bonsawin on becoming the first Indigenous person, member of the Abenaki of the Odanak First Nation, nominated to the Supreme Court of Canada."

On the Path to Equity for Women in Law

  • August 22, 2022

Like women in many sectors of our society, women lawyers have made significant strides towards equity in the profession over the past decades. However much more needs to be done to achieve gender equity, especially in the areas of pay equity, progression to leadership roles, and the retention of experienced women lawyers in private practice.

CBABC Statement on Le v British Columbia (Attorney General)

  • July 12, 2022

The Supreme Court of British Columbia struck down the Attorney General’s limit of 6% of total damages on July 8, 2022, a regulation that limited the recovery of disbursements for successful parties in personal injury actions arising from motor vehicle accidents.