
More work needed on digital transformation in courts, legal aid in BC, Alberta: CBA presidents

  • March 04, 2022

From The Lawyer's Daily: "Representatives of the bar in both British Columbia and Alberta are applauding their respective provincial governments for continuing to commit to the digitization of the legal system brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic as part of their most recent fiscal plans, but are also saying there needs to be more focus on legal aid funding and eligibility."

LSBC Governance Report includes CBABC recommendations

  • January 11, 2022

In early December, the Law Society of BC released the Report of a Governance Review of the Law Society of British Columbia , as prepared by regulator and governance specialist, Harry Cayton. CBABC members are encouraged to review this report, as the recommendations include significant changes to how the legal profession is governed.

Message to CBABC Members: Law Society of BC Resolution 1

  • September 17, 2021

Resolution 1 is a "Member Resolution to Solicit the Membership's Commitment to Open Debate on Practice Directive 59 and Notice to Profession 24 (re Gender Pronouns)". It is the position of CBABC that Resolution 1 is contrary to our mission and values and should be voted down at the Law Society's AGM on Oct 5, 2021.