
CBABC responds to BC Budget 2018

  • February 20, 2018

“All British Columbians, especially our most vulnerable, need effective access to legal advice and representation. With today’s budget, the government has made significant steps toward that goal, but a healthier investment is still necessary.” Bill Veenstra, CBABC President

CBABC responds to ICBC changes

  • February 06, 2018

“The unintended consequences of implementing a cap will deprive many British Columbians of the compensation they deserve. Caps decrease the accountability of unsafe drivers, the cost of which is then borne by the victim who was not at fault. The answer to ICBC’s current financial woes is not to place the burden on the shoulders of innocent victims,” said Bill Veenstra, CBABC president.

CBABC launches new BC Legal Directory

  • January 24, 2018

CBABC today announced the launch of the new BC Legal Directory. After 30 years in print, the publication is now a purely online experience optimized for mobile devices.

CBABC statement supporting CLAS report

  • December 05, 2017

The CBABC commends the Community Legal Assistance Society’s for its report titled “Operating in Darkness”, which brings to light gaps in the Mental Health Act and the manner in which it provides access to justice for those detained under the Act.

Foreign Investment in Canada: “Net benefit” threshold raised & update on national security reviews

  • December 01, 2017

Foreign buyers of Canadian businesses are less likely to require approval from the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development under the “net benefit to Canada” test as a result of increases in the review thresholds this year. At the same time, acquisitions of even small Canadian businesses—including minority investments—can still be subject to national security review.

CETA Is in Effect (Mostly): What You Need to Know

  • December 01, 2017

On September 21, 2017, a landmark trade deal between Canada and the European Union (“EU”), the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (“CETA” or the “Agreement”), came into provisional effect after almost a decade of negotiations. Provisional application of CETA is a milestone achievement which ushers in a number of significant changes to the Canadian legal and regulatory landscape.

2017 Update to the Federal Child Support Tables

  • November 22, 2017

The Federal Child Support Tables set out the basic monthly amounts of child support under the Federal Child Support Guidelines. The tables have been updated to reflect more recent tax rules. The updated tables came into effect on November 22, 2017.