
Requisitioned Meeting Breaks Deadlock

  • August 10, 2017

A deadlocked board of directors, talk of a “public flogging”, and a court reluctant to intervene. The case of Goldstein v. McGrath is a colourful recent example of a requisitioned public company shareholders’ meeting, with the twist that the requisitioning shareholders were represented by or aligned with three of the company’s six directors.

CBABC President's Message on BC Wildfires

  • July 14, 2017

Massive wildfires in British Columbia have forced thousands from their homes and created a state of emergency in our province. CBABC providing resources for members in affected areas as well as for those who would like to donate to help.

CBABC Responds to BC Government Throne Speech

  • June 22, 2017

CBABC is pleased to acknowledge today’s government throne speech and its inclusion of increased funding for legal aid in the province. The new investment will provide broader support and improve access to justice for British Columbians.

Exceptional Lawyers Honoured by CBABC

  • June 19, 2017

CBABC celebrated outstanding lawyers in British Columbia at its annual branch awards presentation on Saturday, June 17 at the Westin Wall Centre, Vancouver Airport Hotel in Richmond, BC.

WLF Awards Dinner Gala 2017

  • May 02, 2017

Congratulations to Linda K. Robertson, WLF Award of Excellence recipient and Rachel Mockler, Debra Van Ginkel, QC Mentoring Award recipient.