Past CBABC Presidents

CBABC has benefited from strong leadership from our Past Presidents. Over the years, Branch presidents have reflected the evolution of the profession. Marlene Scott, KC was the first woman to serve. Jennifer Chow, KC was the first racialized president. G. Leigh Harrison, KC was the first from BC’s Interior. We celebrate these pioneers and all those who volunteered countless hours and immeasurable expertise to lead our association.

2023-24 Hon. Scott Morishita
2022-23 Aleem Bharmal, KC
2021-22 Clare Jennings, KC
2020-21 Jennifer J. L. Brun, KC
2019-20 Kenneth Armstrong, KC
2018-19 Margaret Mereigh 
2017-18  Hon. Bill Veenstra
2016-17 Michael Welsh, KC
2015-16  Jennifer Chow, KC
2014-15 Alex A. Shorten, KC
2013-14  Dean A. Crawford, KC
2012-13 Kerry L. Simmons, KC
2011-12  Hon. Sharon Matthews
2010-11 Stephen G. McPhee, KC
2009-10 James M. Bond, KC
2008-09 Hon. Miriam Maisonville
2007-08 Kenneth F. Walton, KC
2006-07 Hon. Frits E. Verhoeven 
2005-06 Hon. Marguerite (Meg) Shaw 
2004-05 Michael C. Woodward
2003-04 Robert C. Brun, KC
2002-03 David A. Paul, KC
2001-02 Carman J. Overholt, KC
2000-01 Margaret Ostrowski, KC
1999-00 Hon. D. Mayland McKimm
1998-99 Douglas F. Robinson, KC
1997-98 Kerry-Lynn F. Findlay, PC, KC
1996-97 Emily Mae Reid, QC*
1995-96 John Douglas Waddell, KC
1994-95  Hon. Eric Rice
1993-94  Robert Gourlay, QC*
1992-93  Hon. J. Parker MacCarthy
1991-92  Hon. Wendy G. Baker
1990-91 Terrance E. La Liberté , KC
1989-90 Russell W. Lusk, KC
1988-89  James D. Vilvang, KC
1987-88  G. Leigh Harrison , KC
1986-87  Barbara J. Nelson , KC
1985-86  Alec C. Robertson, QC*
1984-85  Hon. L. M. Little
1983-84  J. J. Camp, KC
1982-83  W. M. Leckie* 
1981-82  E. F. Horsey, KC
1980-81  Marlene Scott , QC*
1979-80  W. P. Lightbody, KC*
1978-79  M. F. M. Hermann* 
1977-78  Bryan Williams, KC
1976-77  Paul D. K. Fraser, QC*
1975-76  K. S. Fawcus, QC*
1974-75  Peter A. Manson, QC*
1973-74  Richard H. Vogel, QC*
1972-73  John D. McAlpine, QC*
1971-72   A. Boyd Ferris, QC*
1970-71  Ronald G. Bray*
1969-70  Hon. D. M. M. Goldie*
1968-69  Hon. Charles C. Locke*
1967-68  Douglas M. Brown*
1966-67  Hon. A. B. B. Carrothers*
1964-66  Donald J. Lawson, QC*
1962-64  Hon. John L. Farris*
1960-62  L. St. M. DuMoulin, QC*
1958-60  Oscar F. Lundell, QC*
1956-58  Hon. A. J. Cowan*
1955-56  Hon. R. A. Wootton*
1952-54  Hon. Walter S. Owen*
1950-52  A. C. DesBrisay, QC*
1948-50  J. A. Clark, CMG, QC*
1946-48  J. A. Campbell, QC* 
1944-46  C. M. O’Brian, QC*
1943-44  Hon. Chief Justice Farris*
1936-43  R. I. Maitland, QC*
1935-36  J. W. DeB Farris, QC*
1933-35  Lindley Crease, QC*
1929-33  A. H. MacNeill, QC*
1924-29  Hon. Mr Justice Aulay Morrison* 
1919-24  L. G. McPhillips, QC*
1915-19  G. E. Corbould, QC* 
1898 E. V. Bodwell, QC*
1897 Hon. Fred Peters*
1896 Hon. Aulay Morrison*
1879 His Hon. Clement F. Cornwall*
