Media Releases

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CBABC Responds to BC Budget 2019

  • February 19, 2019

“We are disappointed that today’s budget announcement, Making Life Better, overlooks additional funding for legal aid,” said Margaret A. Mereigh, CBABC President. “There are real families all over the province desperate for this public service, but they don’t have access due to lack of government investment."

CBABC is Taking Action on Reconciliation

  • November 07, 2018

The Canadian Bar Association, BC Branch (CBABC) announces the release of Taking Action on Reconciliation – a response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) Calls to Action. The legal profession is called to focus on new approaches to the relationship between Canada’s legal system and Indigenous peoples. CBABC’s planned actions focus on justice issues within provincial jurisdiction.

CBABC Targets Legal Aid & ICBC Changes in New Platform Paper

  • October 02, 2018

The Canadian Bar Association, BC Branch (CBABC) today released An Agenda for Justice – Platform Updates 2018. This document, an update to An Agenda for Justice 2017, acknowledges increased government investment in key areas and details several issues still needing support.

CBABC welcomes new President, Margaret A. Mereigh

  • September 05, 2018

Margaret is senior appellate Crown Counsel with the BC Prosecution Service and prosecutes criminal appeals in the BC Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada. Highlights of her 27 year career as Crown Counsel, include working as trial counsel in R. v. Gladue (a just approach to sentencing aboriginal offenders) and the Air India trial (a prosecution of an act of aviation terrorism).

Hold ICBC Accountable for Funding Shortfall, Not Public

  • April 24, 2018

CBABC Branch President Bill Veenstra calls on Attorney General David Eby and Premier John Horgan to withdraw provisions in proposed new legislation introduced yesterday that restrict the rights of citizens to receive full and fair compensation and create new exclusive resolution processes for disputes outside of the Courts.

CBABC responds to BC Budget 2018

  • February 20, 2018

“All British Columbians, especially our most vulnerable, need effective access to legal advice and representation. With today’s budget, the government has made significant steps toward that goal, but a healthier investment is still necessary.” Bill Veenstra, CBABC President

CBABC responds to ICBC changes

  • February 06, 2018

“The unintended consequences of implementing a cap will deprive many British Columbians of the compensation they deserve. Caps decrease the accountability of unsafe drivers, the cost of which is then borne by the victim who was not at fault. The answer to ICBC’s current financial woes is not to place the burden on the shoulders of innocent victims,” said Bill Veenstra, CBABC president.