
As part of our Advocacy work, CBABC routinely makes submissions in the form of letters, reports and briefing notes to government, the Law Society of BC, and other organizations on matters of importance to our members and the profession. Below is a catalogue of our recent submissions along with any responses received.

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Letter to Minister Lametti: Supreme Court Date Availability in Vancouver & Smaller Communities

  • January 16, 2020

"I regularly hear from members – particularly those practicing litigation – who are concerned about the availability of court dates and appearances in smaller communities throughout BC. The lack of availability of judges has a significant impact on timely and effective access to justice for those who find themselves involved in our justice system." - Kenneth Armstrong CBABC President 2019/2020 to The Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

Provincial Government

Commission of Inquiry into Money Laundering in BC

  • September 06, 2019

"The CBABC has a demonstrated interest in improving and promoting the administration of justice in British Columbia. It will bring a perspective to the inquiry that is distinct from that of other parties, but one that is within the scope of the Commission. The CBABC respectfully submits that its submissions will be useful to the Commission and that it should be granted to standing to participate."

Provincial Government

Submission to the British Columbia 2019 Judicial Compensation Commission

  • June 01, 2019

The CBA has a proud tradition of speaking out and protecting the independence of the judiciary and providing access to justice. Consequently, we urge this Commission to recommend to the government that both the Provincial Court Judges and Judicial Justices be fairly and reasonably compensated in order to uphold, preserve and protect the independence of the judiciary in British Columbia.