
As part of our Advocacy work, CBABC routinely makes submissions in the form of letters, reports and briefing notes to government, the Law Society of BC, and other organizations on matters of importance to our members and the profession. Below is a catalogue of our recent submissions along with any responses received.

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Provincial Government

Written Submission to Special Committee: Reforming the Police Act (BC)

  • April 30, 2021

The Government appointed a Special Committee on Reforming the Police Act to make recommendations relating to the reform and modernization of policing in BC. The scope of their review includes the role of police with respect to complex social issues including mental health, systemic racism within police agencies and its impact on public safety and trust, and whether measures are needed to make the legislation consistent with DRIPA. 

Provincial Government

Submission to Special Committee to Review the Personal Information Protection Act

  • August 14, 2020

The Section members recommend changes in these areas: 1. Personal health information considerations, emergency measures and PIPA; 2. Importance of maintaining consistency with developments in national and international privacy legislation; 3. Protecting solicitor-client privilege; and 4. Mandatory privacy breach notification.

Provincial Government

Letter to the Attorney General: Binding Arbitration for Motor Vehicle Actions

  • August 12, 2020

"We would support your proposal provided that a) the arbitration costs incurred by the parties are similar to the hearing fees charged if the parties were to go to court; b) the province pays for the difference between the actual arbitration costs charged by the arbitrator and the amount of fees that would be similar to the hearing fees; c) the arbitration costs to the parties are shared equally between the parties so that the general costs of the arbitration are neutral as between the parties."

Provincial Government

Letter to the Ministry of Citizens Services Re: The Law Courts Inn

  • July 29, 2020

"Courthouses are not just government offices and the Law Courts Inn is not just a restaurant, each are important parts of the institution of providing justice to British Columbians. Decisions with respect to that space should be made keeping in mind the institutional importance of both the Courthouse and that space."