Reporting CBABC CPD Hours
Reporting CBABC PD Seminars and LIVE Webinars
- Login to your profile at the Law Society of BC: Lawyer Login
- Select “Continuing Professional Development” under the Education heading - use the search box to lookup the course name (access list)
- Choose Canadian Bar Association (CBA) - BC Branch as the provider
- Select “Claim Credit” to the right of the correct record in the search results
- Enter the hours along with the date of attendance
- Select “Get Credit”
Accreditation Details for PD Webinar Repeats
All CBABC Professional Development webinar repeats are accredited by the Law Society of BC under one (1) common Course No.
Whereas in previous years, each webinar repeat was recorded under a specific course No. and title, moving forward all webinar repeats are accredited under:
Course Name: CBABC Professional Development Webinar Repeats (Current Year)
Course No.: CBABC PDWR (Current Year)
Start Date: Jan-01-(Current Year)
End Date: Dec-31-(Current Year)
This listing has been accredited a total of 50 CPD hours. Only claim the sum total of the actual number of hours of learning you have attained from each viewing.
Reporting Attendance at CBABC Section Meetings
- Login to your profile at the Law Society of BC: Lawyer Login
- Select “Continuing Professional Development” under the Education heading
- Scroll down and click on the "CBA Section Meeting" tab at the top of the search box
- Enter the code assigned to your CBA Section meeting - e.g. LAB2025. If you do not know this code, a list is available later in this document
- Click "Search"
- Select the correct record for current year when it appears
- Enter the hours along with the date of attendance
- Select “Get Credit”
Reporting Other CBA Programs
Identify the provider of the PD program (check the contact details in the event page or the CBA Tracking Tool report to determine who the provider is).
Note: not all branches will enter their programs on the LSBC website. If the course isn't found, you can opt to submit the course for accreditation.
Using the CBA PD Resource Site as Your Reference
The CBA PD Resource Site: Programs Tracking Tool is a benefit to CBA members.
- Go to CBA PD - My Programs
- Login with your email and password
- You will find a list of upcoming and past programs which you have registered for or attended respectively
- Past Programs will list the hours of CPD Accreditation and the associated LSBC Course Code required for reporting them with the LSBC
- Section meeting accreditation details will appear on your report within 48 hours of the branch receiving meeting attendance sheets from the Section Executive if you were pre- registered. Post registrations will take several weeks to process.
- Members can view more details about a meeting/course or add brief notes to them by clicking Show Details or Make Notes
Sections Law Society of BC Course Codes
Section |
Course Code |
Section |
Course Code |
Aboriginal Law
- Vancouver |
ABV2025 |
General Practice, Solo
& Small Firm |
GPV2025 |
Aboriginal Law
- Vancouver Island |
ABI2025 |
Health Law |
HLT2025 |
Aboriginal Lawyers Forum |
ALF2025 |
Human Rights Law |
HUM2025 |
Administrative Law |
ADM2025 |
Immigration Law |
IMM2025 |
ADR - Nanaimo |
ADN2025 |
Insolvency Law |
INO2025 |
ADR - Vancouver |
ADV2025 |
Insurance Law |
INS2025 |
Air Law |
AIR2025 |
Intellectual Property
& Technology Law |
IPT2025 |
Animal Law |
ANI2025 |
Internationally Trained
Lawyers |
ITL2025 |
Appellate Advocacy |
APP2025 |
Labour Law |
LAB2025 |
Business Law |
BUS2025 |
Legal Research |
LEG2025 |
CCA2025 |
Maritime Law |
MAR2025 |
Charities and Not-For-Profit Law |
CNP2025 |
Municipal Law |
MUN2025 |
Children's Law |
CLD2025 |
Natural Resources Law |
NAT2025 |
Civil Litigation - Okanagan |
CLO2025 |
Pensions & Benefits Law |
PEN2025 |
Civil Litigation - Vancouver |
CLV2025 |
Public Sector Lawyers |
PUB2025 |
Civil Litigation - Vancouver Island |
CLI2025 |
Real Property |
REA2025 |
Class Action |
CLS2025 |
Securities Law |
SCU2025 |
Commercial & Real Estate - Okanagan |
CRO2025 |
Senior Counsel |
SEN2025 |
Constitutional/Civil Liberties |
CCL2025 |
Sexual and Gender Diversity
Alliance (SAGDA) |
SOG2025 |
Construction Law |
CSR2025 |
Social Justice |
SOJ2025 |
Criminal Justice - Vancouver |
CJV2025 |
Taxation Law |
TAX2025 |
Criminal Justice - Vancouver Island |
CJI2025 |
Unbundled Legal Services |
UNB2025 |
Elder Law |
ELD2025 |
Wills & Trusts - Okanagan |
WLO2025 |
Employment Law |
EMP2025 |
Wills & Trusts - Vancouver |
WLV2025 |
Environmental Law |
ENV2025 |
Wills & Trusts - Victoria |
WLI2025 |
Family Law - Fraser Valley |
FLF2025 |
Women Lawyers Forum - BC |
WFA2025 |
Family Law - Kamloops |
FLK2025 |
Women Lawyers Forum - Kamloops |
WFK2025 |
Family Law - Okanagan |
FLO2025 |
Women Lawyers Forum
- Vancouver Island |
WFI2025 |
Family Law - Vancouver |
FLV2025 |
Workplace Investigations |
WPI2025 |
Family Law - Vancouver Island |
FLI2025 |
Young Lawyers
- Lower Mainland |
YLV2025 |
Freedom of Information
& Privacy Law |
FOI2025 |
Young Lawyers
- Okanagan |
YLO2025 |
Young Lawyers
- Victoria |
YLI2025 |