Platform considerations presented by the CBABC.
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5 Tips For Making Time For Yourself Despite Competing Priorities Five tips from Forbes on how to create more time in your day while being bombarded with demands.
Own the clock CBA’s Practice Link presents the top 10 time management tips, from lawyers, for lawyers.
Time Management Tip #4: Prioritize Legal Ease Blog has some tips on how to set your priorities.
The Practice: Get a Hobby Above the Law discusses hobbies for lawyers, and how they can be the best marketing tool around.
Retirement for Lawyers There are many things to do when you retired. Coach for Lawyers discusses some ideas.
Stay active with the CBA The CBA and many other organizations offer discounted rates on memberships to retired individuals that let you stay in the loop on current legal news. The CBABC also offers a number of volunteer opportunities, including mentorship and a speakers bureau.
How To Be Mindful When You Don't Have Time To Meditate The idea of meditation is attractive, but we don’t always have ten minutes to steal away and sit with our thoughts. Here are three things you can do instead.
How To Find Time To Meditate Writing something down, especially writing by hand on a sheet of paper, has a powerful effect on the memory. By writing a schedule for your meditation, you commit to that appointment. You also say to yourself that you value your own well-being enough to take time during the day for yourself.
Lawyers turn to meditation to fight stress and improve performance Canadian Lawyer Magazine on the increasing popularity of meditation amongst lawyers.
Access Pro Bono Access Pro Bono’s mission is to promote access to justice in British Columbia by providing and fostering quality pro bono legal services for people and non-profit organizations of limited means.
CBABC Volunteers Visit the CBABC’s Volunteers page to see current volunteer opportunities.
Mental Health and Wellness in the Legal Profession
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Lawyers Assistance Program
The Lawyers Assistance Program of BC provides confidential outreach, education, support and referrals to lawyers and other members of the legal community.
We understand the unique problems that legal professionals face. We’re here to help.