Lawyer Well-Being
Links to sites that promote lawyer well-being and address mental and physical health concerns.
- CBABC’s Wellness page includes links, tips and resources for a healthy mind and body.
- The Law Society of BC has a Mental Health Task Force with a mandate to identify ways to reduce the stigma of mental health issues and develop an integrated mental health review concerning regulatory approaches to discipline and admissions.
- The article “Happiness is a Currency” discusses the focus of lawyers on their careers, and the money vs. lifestyle dilemma.
- “I Want Candy” is an article that discusses whether sugar should be classified as a drug.
- The blog Lawyers with Depression is by a US attorney that shares his experience in dealing with depression caused by his legal career.
The definition of lawyer well-being is shown in this colourful illustration outlining its different dimensions. Created by the ABA's National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being.

Tim Minchin’s inspirational University of Western Australia graduation address