Summary of Meetings: Civil Litigation - Vancouver Island
Number of Meetings Held:3
December 16, 2020
Registration Count: 18
Guest Speaker: James A.S. Legh, Stevenson Luchies & Legh
Meeting Title/Topic: Jury Trials
Synopsis: James A.S. Leigh of Stevenson Luchies & Legh conducted a discussion on jury trials. James covered: How to choose a jury – what happens and options for counsel; What can counsel say (or not say) to a jury; How to make effective submissions; What to do if there is an error made by the opposition; Counsel’s role in the charge to the jury.
March 10, 2021
Registration Count: 124
Guest Speaker: Oana Grant, Dinning Hunter Jackson Law Rory Lambert, Lambert Law
Meeting Title/Topic: Virtual Practice in Litigation: The Virtual Trial
Synopsis: Oana Grant, as plaintiff’s counsel, and Rory Lambert, as defence counsel, recently ran a virtual personal injury trial and will provide direct insight into how this process works.
May 19, 2021
Registration Count: 191
Guest Speaker: Joseph Ensom and Jeffrey Robinson
Meeting Title/Topic: Duty of Honest Performance in Contracts
Synopsis: Joseph Ensom and Jeffrey Robinson discussed the impacts of the recent Supreme Court of Canada decision on C.M. Callow Inc. v. Zollinger.