Annual Report 2023-2024

  • July 26, 2024

Summary of Meetings: Criminal Justice - Vancouver

Number of Meetings Held: 6

October 23, 2023
Registration Count: In-Person: 18 | Remote: 32
Guest Speakers: Justice Janet Winteringham, Judge Kasandra Cronin, and Richard Peck, KC
Meeting Title/Topic: Civility & Professionalism in Criminal Law – Part 1
Synopsis: It is tough for counsel to keep pace with professionalism in these times of both virtual and in-person court appearances. Counsel need to ensure they are giving their highest quality of professional standards. Justice Janet Winteringham, Judge Kasandra Cronin, and Richard Peck, KC, share their views on professionalism in the courts and within criminal law.

November 20, 2023
Registration Count: In-Person: 16 | Remote: 8
Guest Speakers: Justice Kathleen Ker, Lisa Dumbrell, and Vicki Williams,
Meeting Title/Topic: Civility & Professionalism in Criminal Law – Part 2
Synopsis: Expanding on Part 1, Michael Klein KC moderates an engaging panel with Justice Kathleen Ker, Lisa Dumbrell and Vicki Williams, who share their views on professionalism in the courts and within criminal law.

January 31, 2024
Registration Count: In-Person: 7 | Remote: 19
Guest Speakers: Justice Gregory Fitch, Andi Mackay, Mila Shah, and Kevin Westell
Meeting Title/Topic: Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Claims: How to Respond, and How to Avoid them Altogether
Synopsis: Join our highly experienced and knowledgeable panel to gain practical insights into ineffective assistance of counsel claims. Justice Gregory Fitch, Andi Mackay, Mila Shah and Kevin Westell, discuss how to respond to such claims if they’re brought and, even better, how to minimize the risk of one being brought in the first place.

March 4, 2024
Registration Count: In-Person: 8 | Remote: 26
Guest Speakers: Shannon Gerrie, Claire Hatcher, and Frances Mahon
Meeting Title/Topic: Police Use of Force
Synopsis: Our highly experienced and knowledgeable panel discusses various issues relating to allegations of excessive force by police. Shannon Gerrie, Claire Hatcher, and Frances Mahon cover a variety of topics, including the role of the Independent Investigations Office (IIO), prosecutions of police officers, and how alleged police misconduct may be relevant to applications for disclosure, abuse of process, stays of proceedings and reductions in sentence.

June 5, 2024
Registration Count: 20
Guest Speakers: Judge Kasandra Cronin, Kent Roach, and Kristy Neurauter
Meeting Title/Topic: Guarding Against False Guilty Pleas
Synopsis: Join our esteemed panel as they discuss the risk of a false guilty plea and how to prevent it. Professor Kent Roach, who wrote the book on the subject: Wrongfully Convicted: Guilty Pleas, Imagined Crimes, and What Canada Must Do to Safeguard Justice, gives an overview of the phenomenon of false guilty pleas. Judge Kasandra Cronin provides a judicial perspective on what a proper s. 606 plea inquiry must achieve. Kristy Neurauter addresses defence counsel’s role and responsibility in ensuring a guilty plea is informed and voluntary. We are delighted to have such knowledgeable and engaging speakers to address this important topic.