Summary of Meetings: Maritime Law
Number of Meetings Held:4
September 16, 2020
Registration Count: 16
Meeting Title/Topic: Maritime Law - September Section Meeting
Synopsis: Discussion of maritime case law, legislative developments, practice and procedure.
November 18, 2020
Registration Count: 17
Meeting Title/Topic: Maritime Law - November Section Meeting
Synopsis: Discussion of maritime case law, legislative developments, practice and procedure.
January 20, 2021
Registration Count: 18
Meeting Title/Topic: Maritime Law - January Section Meeting
Synopsis: Discussion of maritime case law, legislative developments, practice and procedure.
March 31, 2021
Registration Count: 18
Meeting Title/Topic: Maritime Law - March Section Meeting
Synopsis: Discussion of maritime case law, legislative developments, practice and procedure.
Comments and Observations of the Chair
The Maritime section continued its storied history of meeting to discuss recent case law developments, trade reports of recent file experiences, and generally promote collegiality within the Maritime bar. Though we adapted to remote meetings quickly, we look forward to a return to our in person meetings and events when the time is right. Thanks to everyone for contributing once again, and we look forward to our new executive taking over for the coming year Submitted by Section Chair,Kaitlin Smiley