Summary of Meetings: Pensions & Benefits Law
Number of Meetings Held:3
November 9, 2023
Registration Count: 23
Guest Speakers: Avinash Maniram
Meeting Title/Topic: The Aging Workforce and its Impact on Benefit Plans
Synopsis: This session explores Canada’s aging workforce with a specific focus on how this impacts plan design and plan costs. By demographically projecting sample workforces, Avinash Maniram demonstrates how plan funding can be impacted and what can be done today to ensure the sustainability of plans in the future.
April 8, 2024
Registration Count: 20
Guest Speakers: Murray Campbell
Meeting Title/Topic: Pensions and Benefits Legal Update
Synopsis: Murray Campbell presents a summary of recent case law and statutory developments relevant to sponsors of British Columbia pension and benefit plans. The discussion covers the scope of an administrator’s duty to inform plan members, an administrator’s liability for general damages and the new Canadian Dental Care Plan.
June 20, 2023
Registration Count: 11
Meeting Title/Topic: End of Term Networking
Synopsis: Mingle in-person with like minded professionals for an evening of networking designed to cultivate connections and foster collaboration within the legal community.