Summary of Meetings: SOGIC
Number of Meetings Held:7
February 18, 2022
Registration Count: 83
Guest Speaker: Tuma Young, QC, 2021-2022 President of the Nova Scotia Barrister Society; Halie Bruce
Meeting Title/Topic: Essential Law and Practice Points for Serving Two-Spirit & Indigenous LGBTQI+ Clients
Synopsis: How to respectfully engage with Two-Spirit clients and colleagues, and discuss pressing legal issues facing Two-Spirit communities across Canada. Jointly hosted with Aboriginal Lawyers Forum
February 28, 2022
Registration Count: 12
Guest Speaker: SOGIC Exec
Meeting Title/Topic: SOGIC & UBC Outlaws/Trallard Meet & Greets
Synopsis: Discussed SOGIC's ongoing work advancing 2SLGBTQ+ equality in the legal profession and generally through its education, advocacy, networking, and other community building activities.
March 03, 2022
Registration Count: 12
Guest Speaker: SOGIC Exec
Meeting Title/Topic: SOGIC & UVIC Outlaws Meet & Greets
Synopsis: Discussed SOGIC's ongoing work advancing 2SLGBTQ+ equality in the legal profession and generally through its education, advocacy, networking, and other community building activities.
May 24, 2022
Registration Count: 31
Guest Speaker: Adrienne Smith, Adrienne Smith Law
Meeting Title/Topic: Gender Identity and Pronouns in the Workplace
Synopsis: Adrienne Smith, counsel for the complainant in Nelson v. Goodberry Restaurant Group, provided their insight and analysis to give attendees advice on the use of pronouns in the workplace, including best practices for workplace investigators. Joint meeting with Workplace Investigations Section.
May 26, 2022
Registration Count: 6
Meeting Title/Topic: Victoria Social
Synopsis: Social event at the Peacocks Billiards in Downtown Victoria.
June 21, 2022
Registration Count: 24
Guest Speaker: Michael Kwag, Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) Acting Executive Director; Jordan Sullivan, CBRC 2SLGBTQ+ SOGIECE/Conversion Therapy Survivors Support Project Coordinator; Florence Ashley, University of Toronto SJD Candidate and Author; Dustin Klaudt, Klaudt Law and CBABC SOGIC Co-Chair; Moderator: Chris Gallardo-Ganaban, Bilkey Law
Meeting Title/Topic: Banning Conversion Practices in BC: What's Next After the Federal Criminal Ban on Conversion Practices
Synopsis: Discussed what conversion practices (often so-called conversion therapies) are and their harms, and various policy measures to combat conversion practices and related harms. Joint meeting with Health Law Section.
June 29, 2022
Registration Count: 28
Meeting Title/Topic: Vancouver Social
Synopsis: SOGIC Executive hosted this social held at Dentons Café.