Summary of Meetings: Senior Lawyers
Number of Meetings Held:3
December 09, 2020
Registration Count: 26
Guest Speaker: Bonita J. Thompson Q.C. – Senior Lawyers Section Chair Sonali Sharma – Unbundled Legal Services Section Chair Jo-Anne Stark – Legal Coach and CBABC Director of Advocacy Derek Brindle Q.C – Singleton Reynolds LLP David Dundee – Retired Lawyer, Past-Chair of Family Law - Kamloops Section
Meeting Title/Topic: Staying Engaged While Transitioning into Retirement
Synopsis: Panelists will provided personal experiences and information about innovative and evolving approaches to professional services while providing more balance and increased flexibility in your life.
May 19, 2021
Registration Count: 46
Guest Speaker: Ujjal Dosanjh, PC, QC, Lawyer, Former Premier of BC The Honourable Linda Loo, Supreme Court of BC Corporal Chris Gosselin, Head of the RCMP's first Urban Indigenous policing unit
Meeting Title/Topic: The Role of Elders in our Cultures
Synopsis: The Section hosted former BC Premier Ujjal Dosanjh, PC, QC, and the Honourable Madam Justice Linda Loo of the Supreme Court of BC , as they share their thoughts and experiences in their roles.
July 08, 2021
Registration Count: 31
Guest Speaker:
Meeting Title/Topic: Young Lawyers Speed Mentoring Event
Synopsis: The goal of this meeting was to provide lawyers who may be winding down their careers, but are looking to stay involved and share input, an opportunity to share their wisdom and stories with lawyers who are in the early years of their careers. This meeting also provided an opportunity to create meaningful connections and relationships that go beyond Sections.
Comments and Observations of the Chair
Members of the Section were very sad to hear of the death in the summer of 2020 of our long standing and energetic Chair, Gerry Lecovin. He left big shoes to fill (we expect he would appreciate that observation). The pandemic and its resulting curtailing of in person meetings provided the opportunity for non-Lower Mainland members to participate. As your past acting Chair I welcome this development and look forward to more occasions for senior members across the Province to join our programs., Submitted by Section Chair, Bonita J. Thompson, Q.C.