Annual Report 2023-2024

  • June 12, 2024

Summary of Meetings: Wills & Trusts - Okanagan

Number of Meetings Held:3

November 14, 2023
Online Registration Count: 62
In-Person Registration Count: 9
Guest Speakers: Sebastian Lipnicki, Martin Estate and Injury Law
Meeting Title/Topic: Updates on BC Supreme Court Rules in Relation to Probates and Litigation Concerning Wills and Estates
Synopsis: Sebastian Lipnicki, Martin Estate and Injury Law, will provide an update on the Supreme Court of British Columbia Civil Rules as they pertain to Wills and Estates both with respect to probate applications and litigation.

January 18, 2024
Online Registration Count: 84
In-Person Registration Count: 9
Guest Speakers: Colin Flannigan, FH&P Lawyers LLP
Meeting Title/Topic: Updates on MAiD
Synopsis: Colin Flannigan of FH&P Lawyers LLP provides an overview and updates on the Medical Assistance in Dying process. Colin's practice areas include Estate and Incapacity Planning, Committeeship, Estate Administration and Probate, Trusts and Elder Law.

June 26, 2024
Online Registration Count: 57
In-Person Registration Count: 5
Guest Speakers: Shamim Aidun, Sabey Rule
Meeting Title/Topic: An Overview of Proof in Solemn Form Proceedings
Synopsis: Are you interested in learning about the “why”, “how”, and “when” for proving a testamentary document in solemn form? Shamim Aidun, Associate, Sabey Rule, provides an overview of these form proceedings.