Summary of Meetings: Workplace Investigations
Number of Meetings Held:3
December 09, 2021
Registration Count: 47
Guest Speaker: Leanne M Walsh, West Coast Workplace Law; Pam Costanzo, Young Anderson
Meeting Title/Topic: Procedural Fairness in Investigations: A Review of the Caselaw and Discussion of Best Practices
Synopsis: Presentation summarized decisions regarding duty to investigate, and of procedural fairness, in investigations and consider consequences flowing from a failed or flawed investigation, as well as practical considerations and approaches for the Investigator.
April 27, 2022
Registration Count: 89
Guest Speaker: Jessica Burke, Black Gropper, Carolyn MacEachern, Young Anderson, and Lisa Southern, Southern Butler Price
Meeting Title/Topic: Investigations in the Unionized Environment
Synopsis: Panelists discussed a range of issues that arise in such contexts, exploring the employer, union and investigator perspectives. Joint meeting with Labour Law Section
May 24, 2022
Registration Count: 31
Guest Speaker: Adrienne Smith, Adrienne Smith Law
Meeting Title/Topic: Gender Identity and Pronouns in the Workplace
Synopsis: Adrienne Smith, counsel for the complainant in Nelson v. Goodberry Restaurant Group, provided their insight and analysis to give attendees advice on the use of pronouns in the workplace, including best practices for workplace investigators. Joint meeting with SOGIC
Comments and Observations of the Chair
Reflecting the variety of areas of law that can come into play in conducting workplace investigations, we were pleased to collaborate with various other Sections during the 2021/22 term. Looking forward to 2022/23, we plan to continue to forge these partnerships, and also look forward to a return to our annual social event to allow investigators and lawyers advising on investigations to create a strong and supportive professional network.
Submitted by Section Chair, Kirsten Hume Scrimshaw