Aboriginal Lawyers Forum

ALF Retreat 2025

ALF Retreat 2025

Victoria | May 23-25

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The CBABC Aboriginal Lawyers Forum (ALF) is a social networking and mentoring forum for law students, law graduates and lawyers. Due to the nature and mandate of the ALF, members will be primarily but not exclusively Aboriginal lawyers, law graduates and students. The mandate of the Forum is to facilitate social networking, mentoring, professional development and a celebration of Aboriginal culture. The ALF is not a group formed for the study of substantive law. Rather this group is meant to bring lawyers of all practices together, for support, networking and mentorship.


The mandate of the ALF is to facilitate social networking and mentoring for Aboriginal law students and lawyers. The three objectives of the ALF are:

  • to provide networking opportunities;
  • to provide leadership and mentoring;
  • and to provide opportunities to celebrate Aboriginal culture – to stay “connected” to our culture

Through these objectives, the ALF will work to address the various issues facing Aboriginal law students and lawyers. These issues include the retention of Aboriginal people in the legal profession and the support and enhancement of the stature and influence of Aboriginal people in the legal profession.

The ALF will work to achieve its objectives through a variety of programs and events including both informal and formal mentoring. The ALF will host regular gatherings so that Aboriginal law students and lawyers can meet in casual social settings. The ALF will also work to publish a quarterly newsletter to be distributed to Aboriginal law students and lawyers throughout British Columbia and reach out to Aboriginal lawyers practicing in remote areas.

Target Demographic

The Forum will support Aboriginal law students, law graduates and lawyers and the issues they face as Aboriginal people in the legal profession. Due to the nature of Forum and its mandate we anticipate that members will primarily be Aboriginal law students, graduates and lawyers, however we welcome all members, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, who support our mandate. We hope to be a group that fosters integration and relationship building between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people in the legal community.