A membership that moves you forward

As the largest national association of legal professionals, the Canadian Bar Association delivers what you need to thrive in your career and navigate life changes. Whether you’re just starting out, looking to grow or well established, a CBA membership moves your career forward.

Join the CBA    Renew Today

Professional Development: Advance your career, improve your practice and build your business. Access more than 300 CPD hours of live and on-demand programming every year, free or deeply discounted for members. You’ll also have members-only access to our Job Board, BC’s #1 destination for legal careers.

Advocacy: Join our collective voice to shape the future. Have your say on changes like the Legal Professions Act and court modernization, work to improve legislation, and advocate for access to justice for all British Columbians.

Connection: Network with colleagues from your practice or interest group, get involved by volunteering, or reach out to a Practice Coach for confidential advice on a specific issue or file.

Wellness: Tap into resources to help you lead a happy and healthy life. Learn about mental health in the profession while we advocate for changes to workplace culture to help lawyers stay well.

Savings: Save on products and services for personal and professional needs, such as office supplies, financial products, gym memberships and online services through CBA Advantage.

LEARN MORE                                Why CBABC?                       Membership Fees