Regulation of the Profession

On April 10, 2024, the B.C. government introduced the Legal Professions Act, and on May 16, 2024, it received Royal Assent. The new framework includes a single regulator for lawyers, notaries and paralegals. We supported this change as long as lawyer independence is maintained. This legislation fails in that regard.

Since this concept was introduced in Spring 2022, CBABC advocated on behalf of the profession. We delivered written submissions to the Attorney General and stayed engaged with the Law Society, the associations for notaries and paralegals, and the government.

On April 19, CBABC asked government to delay passing the legislation to allow more time for all legal professionals and the public to consider the Bill and provide meaningful feedback. On May 14, we submitted our position again after further consultation with lawyers and articling students.

The Legal Professions Act was passed with only 30 of 317 clauses debated. The Law Society of BC has commenced litigation

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