Advocacy Timeline

Since this concept of a single regulator for lawyers, notaries and paralegals was introduced in Spring 2022, CBABC has been advocating on behalf of the profession. We delivered written submissions to the Attorney General and stayed engaged with the Law Society, the associations for notaries and paralegals, and the government.

We encourage all lawyers to understand and discuss the issue, so we can bring your views forward.

CBABC Advocacy

Government Activity

Mar 2022
Ministry of Attorney General introduces intentions

Sep 2022
Ministry of Attorney General releases Intentions Paper

Sep 23, 2022
CBABC makes a statement on Intentions Paper

Oct 3 – Oct 19, 2022
CBABC holds roundtables with members and non-members

Nov 18, 2022
CBABC delivers a response to Intentions Paper

May 2023
Ministry of Attorney General releases What We Heard Report

Oct 19, 2023
Attorney General shares an update on status

Nov 2023
CBABC meets Attorney General asking for transparency

Jan 16, 2024
CBABC delivers a letter highlighting transparency concerns

Mar 12, 2024
BC United raises concerns in B.C. Legislature

Mar 19, 2024
Ministry of Attorney General shares an update on proposed model

Mar 25, 2024
CBABC signs a letter outlining concerns

Mar 25 – Apr 5, 2024
CBABC holds engagement sessions with members and non-members

Apr 10, 2024
Legal Professions Act is introduced

Apr 10, 2024
CBABC issues a media release outlining concerns and a message to members

Apr 12, 2024
The Legal Professions Act is discussed at Through the Looking Glass.
On-demand now available.

Apr 18, 2024
CBABC hosts a Town Hall with the Attorney General

Apr 19, 2024
CBABC delivers a letter calling to delay passing Act

Apr 19 – Apr 30, 2024
CBABC hosts a series of engagement sessions with members of the profession

May 6, 2024
Legal Professions Act second reading

May 14, 2024
CBABC delivers a letter on the progress of Bill 21

May 16, 2024
Legal Professions Act receives Royal Assent

May 21, 2024
CBABC delivers message to members on the passing of Bill 21