Aboriginal Law - Vancouver* |
Vancouver |
Provides a forum for the exchange of views and experiences for lawyers who deal with aboriginal
issues for First Nations, industry and all levels of government, including self-governments.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 4
Aboriginal Law - Vancouver Island* |
Victoria |
Provides a forum for the exchange of views and experiences for lawyers who deal with aboriginal
issues for First Nations, industry and all levels of government, including self-governments.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 3
Aboriginal Lawyers Forum |
All |
The CBABC Aboriginal Lawyers Forum (ALF) is a social networking and mentoring forum for law
students, law graduates and lawyers. Due to the nature and mandate of the ALF, members will be
primarily but not exclusively Aboriginal lawyers, law graduates and students.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 4
Administrative Law* |
All |
Deals with that area of law which governs the delegation by government of quasi-judicial powers to
administrative boards and agencies, eg, the Workers' Compensation Board, the Municipal Board, and
the manner in which such powers are exercised by boards and agencies.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 3
ADR - Nanaimo* |
Nanaimo |
Provides a forum for professional development, education, networking and discussion regarding
various forms of dispute resolution used within and outside of the litigation system, including
arbitration, mediation, collaborative law, and court-annexed settlement procedures.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 6
ADR - Vancouver* |
Vancouver |
Provides a forum for professional development, education, networking and discussion regarding
various forms of dispute resolution used within and outside of the litigation system, including
arbitration, mediation, collaborative law, and court-annexed settlement procedures.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 3
Air Law* |
All |
Deals with domestic and international law as it applies to the exploration and utilization of
outer space and to the aviation industry including accident liabilities and licensing and regulation
of aircraft, crew and services.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 2
Animal Law |
All |
To study various issues involving wild and domestic animals and to educate the legal community
about the same. Animal Law is an evolving area of practice and this CBABC Section welcomes new
ideas, insights and assistance.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 2
Appellate Advocacy |
All |
The mandate of the Section is to provide a forum for discussion of topics of interest related to
civil and criminal appellate practice, primarily in the BC Court of Appeal, but also in the Supreme
Court of Canada and BC Supreme Court. The Section will consider procedural and substantive law, and
oral and written advocacy, relevant to appellate practice in those courts.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 4
Business Law* |
All |
Covers law which governs the rights and responsibilities of parties to commercial transactions
and of directors, officers and shareholders of business corporations.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 5
All |
Provides a collegial forum for discussion among corporate counsel and the exchange of
experiences, and for the development of programmes and education in response to the specific needs
of corporate in-house counsel. The Section will also be operating in the capacity of the BC Chapter
of the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association. In-house counsel will automatically be enrolled in
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 5
Charities and Not-for-Profit Law* |
All |
Covers law and practice relating to the regulation and administration of charities, non-profit
organizations and social enterprises.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 7
Children's Law* |
All |
Highlights the significance, complexity and impact of legal situations facing children and
youth, to improve the law affecting children and youth and to provide practitioners interested and
involved in children and youth issues a forum for discussion, support and action.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 3
Civil Litigation - Okanagan* |
Yale |
Deals with the practice of civil litigation, including rules and procedures for the conduct of
civil cases, the jurisdiction of civil courts, the enforcement of judicial decisions of a civil
nature and the role of counsel in the civil litigation system.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 2
Civil Litigation - Vancouver* |
Vancouver |
Deals with the practice of civil litigation, including rules and procedures for the conduct of
civil cases, the jurisdiction of civil courts, the enforcement of judicial decisions of a civil
nature and the role of counsel in the civil litigation system.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 4
Civil Litigation - Vancouver Island* |
Victoria |
Deals with the practice of civil litigation, including rules and procedures for the conduct of
civil cases, the jurisdiction of civil courts, the enforcement of judicial decisions of a civil
nature and the role of counsel in the civil litigation system.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 2
Class Action* |
All |
Addresses developments and trends in the legislation and case law governing the approval or
certification of class proceedings under the Rules of Court and the Class Proceedings Act as well as
general topics of procedural and substantive law as they apply in the context of class
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 3
Commercial and Real Estate - Okanagan* |
Yale |
Concerned with law which establishes and regulates the rights and obligations of the owner,
mortgagee, landlord and tenant in the use and disposition of land and interests in land and which
provides the facilities for the public recording of ownership of interests in land.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 4
Commodity Tax, Customs and Trade* |
National |
There is no BC chapter of this Section
This Section deals with law and practice related to commodity tax, customs and trade remedy matters
including, but not limited to, the goods and services or harmonized sales tax, provincial sales
taxes, excise taxes, North American Free Trade Agreement, customs duties, valuation, tariff
classification, rules of origin, procurement, trade remedies, import/export controls and related
matters. Activities include consultation with the Department of Finance (Canada), the Canada Revenue
Agency, the Canada Border Services Agency, involvement in the Federal Court/Tax Court review process
and Bench and Bar Committees with the Tax Court and Canadian International Trade Tribunal. |
Competition Law and Foreign Investment Review* |
National |
There is no BC chapter of this Section
The Section deals with legal policy, issues, and
developments in the competition field domestically and internationally and promotes a greater
awareness of competition law and foreign investment review. The Section consults on an ongoing basis
with the Competition Bureau, the Department of Justice (Canada), the Competition Tribunal,
Investment Review Division of Industry Canada, and Heritage Canada on issues relating to the
administration of the Competition Act and the Investment Canada Act and on current and proposed
enforcement policies and practices in relation to such legislation. It also contributes to the
review of competition legislation and foreign investment review legislation and fosters relations in
foreign jurisdictions with the legal profession and others interested in international competition
law and policy issues or foreign investment review, and promotes cooperative educational efforts.
Constitutional/Civil Liberties Law* |
All |
Concerned with constitutional law, including issues of federalism, the role of the executive,
the Charter and related areas of law which define and protect individual and collective rights.
Civil Liberties deals with the law where the rights of the individual are subject to infringement;
prevention of injustice to individuals.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 6
Construction Law* |
All |
Deals with commercial litigation relating to residential, commercial and industrial
construction; issues related to financing and structuring of construction projects; advising
contractors, engineers, architects, and planners; builders’ liens; and general contract
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 6
Criminal Justice - Nanaimo* |
Nanaimo |
Involves collegial discussion of issues and developments related to criminal law (and
provincial offences), procedure and practice ethics, evidence and the Charter.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 5
Criminal Justice - Vancouver* |
Vancouver |
Involves collegial discussion of issues and developments related to criminal law (and
provincial offences), procedure and practice ethics, evidence and the Charter.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 5
Criminal Justice - Victoria* |
Victoria |
Involves collegial discussion of issues and developments related to criminal law (and
provincial offences), procedure and practice ethics, evidence and the Charter.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 6
Elder Law* |
All |
Addresses legal issues and problems of the elderly including age discrimination, elder abuse
and exploitation, mental capacity and consent, medical and housing issues, guardianship, ethical and
practical aspects of advising the older client.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 5
Employment Law* |
All |
The Employment Law Section deals with employment law issues in non-unionized
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 4
Environmental Law* |
All |
Covers law which imposes, regulates or prevents conduct which damages or destroys the
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 3
Family Law - Fraser Valley* |
Westminster |
To promote education and networking in the field of family law in the Fraser Valley and to
create a stronger community of family law lawyers in the Fraser Valley. Our Section will promote
better knowledge of family law and more collaboration among family law counsel for the purposes of
better servicing our clients in the Fraser Valley.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 4
Family Law - Kamloops* |
Yale |
Family Law covers divorce, adoption, child protection, common law and same–sex marriages, and
generally all areas of family rights and responsibilities: property division; child custody,
guardianship and access; mobility (moving away); child, spousal, and parental support. It also
encompasses new methods of resolving such issues: family law mediation and collaborative
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 3
Family Law - Okanagan* |
Yale |
Family Law covers divorce, adoption, child protection, common law and same–sex marriages, and
generally all areas of family rights and responsibilities: property division; child custody,
guardianship and access; mobility (moving away); child, spousal, and parental support. It also
encompasses new methods of resolving such issues: family law mediation and collaborative
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 4
Family Law - Vancouver* |
Vancouver |
Family Law covers divorce, adoption, child protection, common law and same–sex marriages, and
generally all areas of family rights and responsibilities: property division; child custody,
guardianship and access; mobility (moving away); child, spousal, and parental support. It also
encompasses new methods of resolving such issues: family law mediation and collaborative
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 6
Family Law – Vancouver Island Section |
Victoria |
Family Law addresses the needs of lawyers practicing family law in the Vancouver Island regions
by organizing meetings and events in substantive areas of law, procedure, and practice ethics. This
Section provides a forum for the exchange of information and opinion and promotes and supports the
retention of all lawyers across Vancouver Island regions through networking, collegiality, and
professional development.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 9
Freedom of Information and Privacy Law* |
All |
Provides a forum for the exchange of information, networking and education of lawyers
practising or interested in the area of freedom of information and privacy law.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 0
French Speaking Common Law Members* |
National |
There is no BC chapter of this Section
To make the Association, its Branches and its members
aware of the practice of common law in French, identifying and making members aware of relevant
tools and resources; to work with National and Branch Sections, Conferences and Standing Committees
to promote the organization of meetings, continuing legal education and other programs in French;
and to organize common law programs and programming in French at meetings of the Association. |
General Practice, Solo & Small Firm - Lower Mainland* |
Vancouver |
Addresses the needs of general practitioners by organizing specialized programmes and by
providing a forum for the exchange of information and opinion.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 4
Health Law* |
All |
Addresses different issues of health law, such as health disciplines, mental health, public
health facilities and patients' rights and provides a forum for rational and articulate discussion
of issues in the health law field.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 0
Human Rights Law* |
All |
Addresses various issues in the area of human rights law such as practice before the tribunal,
alternate dispute resolution and pre-hearing procedures. It also provides a forum for general
discussion of issues in the area, such as the intersection of human rights with legal rights
extended under the Charter, labour and employment law.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 4
Immigration Law* |
All |
Share information and expertise among lawyers practising in immigration, citizenship and
refugee law; identify common problems experienced by practitioners in their daily work; develop
positions and constructive suggestions; and foster a continuing dialogue with interested government
departments such as Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Canada Border Services Agency, the
Immigration and Refugee Board, the Provincial Nominee Program and the Department of Justice as to
how issues can be resolved in a manner that is just and equitable for Canadian citizens, permanent
residents and potential immigrants to Canada.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 17
Insolvency Law* |
All |
Forum for exchange of ideas and experience for lawyers who deal with insolvency related matters
in the course of a general commercial or litigation practice.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 3
Insurance Law* |
All |
Concerned with law which applies to the insurance contract and regulates the rights and
responsibilities of the parties to a contract of insurance.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 2
Intellectual Property and Technology Law* |
All |
Intellectual Property and Technology Law Section deals with legal issues effecting intellectual
property and the technology industry.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 4
Internationally Trained Lawyers* |
All |
To connect and support lawyers who are in the process of completing or have completed the
National Committee on Accreditation Certificate of Qualification to practice law in Canada. The
Section offers a forum for learning, connection, and support to secure employment, adapt to the
British Columbia legal landscape, and focus on skills and knowledge development relevant to this
New Section 2023-2024
Labour Law* |
All |
Covers law governing the employer/employee relationship including the establishment of
employment standards, trade union organization and the principles and practice relating to the
negotiation and enforcement of collective agreements and the arbitration and settlement of labour
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 5
Legal Research |
All |
Improve research skills, discuss interesting law developments, and exchange ideas and
information regarding the concept of research as a specialty area of practice.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 3
Maritime Law* |
All |
Covers domestic and international law which regulate the use of domestic and international
waterways and the operation of commercial and pleasure vessels and provide the procedures for the
enforcement of the rights and obligations of the owners of vessels, passengers and cargo
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 7
Municipal Law* |
All |
Covers law which establishes the form and powers of municipal government and regulates the
manner in which such powers are exercised.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 2
Natural Resources Law* |
All |
Deals with law which pertains to the use and management of forest services in British
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 2
Pensions & Benefits Law* |
All |
Promotes information exchange and development of pension and employee benefits law.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 3
Public Sector Lawyers* |
All |
Promotes the interests of lawyers employed in the government and public sectors. It provides
programs to lawyers not in private practice, such as unionization, self insurance, freedom of
information requests and other issues of common concern to those employed by crown corporations,
societies, government and funded agencies.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 2
Real Property* |
Concerned with law which establishes and regulates the rights and obligations of the owner,
mortgagee, landlord and tenant in the use and disposition of land and interests in land and which
provides the facilities for the public recording of ownership of interests in land.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 5
Securities Law* |
All |
Focuses on capital markets and security related issues; deals with the role of securities
regulation in BC and in general, and the growth of participants in the financial marketplace
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 4
Senior Counsel |
All |
The Senior Counsel Section welcomes practicing, non-practicing, retired lawyers, and academics
from all areas of law who have 25+ years of legal experience. Presents programs to support the
education and interests of its members. Provides opportunities for members throughout the province
to network and socially connect with each other. Supports the CBABC mentorship and practice advisor
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 3
Social Justice |
All |
Welcomes those interested in helping marginalized clients to participate in the justice system
and in society generally. Our focus is on practice skills, law reform, substantive legal training,
and networking.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 3
Sexual and Gender Diversity Alliance Section (SAGDA)* |
All |
Works to address the needs and
concerns of members with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions, and sex
characteristics within CBABC. This includes, but is not limited to, members who are two-spirited,
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual and aromantic.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 5
Taxation Law* |
All |
Covers law which imposes tax and which establishes and enforces the manner in which taxation
statutes are administered and enforced.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 4
Unbundled Legal Services* |
All |
Provides a forum for professional development, education, networking, peer support, information
exchange and discussion regarding the effective provision of unbundled legal services; also called
"limited scope" legal services in BC.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 3
Wills and Trusts - Okanagan* |
Yale |
Concerned with all aspects of succession law and practice including wills, probate and
administration, testamentary and inter vivos trusts, mental competency as it relates to succession,
estate planning and adult guardianship, and necessary ancillary areas such as the Income Tax Act and
the Land Title Act. The Section emphasizes practice issues, presents regular guest speakers and case
comments, and holds a practitioners' open forum at each meeting.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 5
Wills and Trusts - Vancouver* |
All |
Concerned with all aspects of succession law and practice including wills, probate and
administration, testamentary and inter vivos trusts, mental competency as it relates to succession,
estate planning and adult guardianship, and necessary ancillary areas such as the Income Tax Act and
the Land Title Act. The Section emphasizes practice issues, presents regular guest speakers and case
comments, and holds a practitioners' open forum at each meeting.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 7
Wills and Trusts - Victoria* |
Victoria |
Concerned with all aspects of succession law and practice including wills, probate and
administration, testamentary and inter vivos trusts, mental competency as it relates to succession,
estate planning and adult guardianship, and necessary ancillary areas such as the Income Tax Act and
the Land Title Act. The Section emphasizes practice issues, presents regular guest speakers and case
comments, and holds a practitioners' open forum at each meeting.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 3
Women Lawyers Forum* |
All |
Addresses the need for long term programs, plans and systems to achieve the broad mandate of
promoting and supporting the enhancement of the stature and influence of women in the legal
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 10
Women Lawyers Forum - Kamloops* |
Yale |
The mandate of the Kamloops Women Lawyers Forum will be to promote and support the retention of
women lawyers through collegiality, mentoring and professional development; and to promote equality
and social justice for all women. Our values are inclusivity, equality, diversity, and
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 3
Women Lawyers Forum - Vancouver Island* |
Victoria |
A women lawyers’ practice group providing opportunities for networking and meeting to discuss
and learn about strategies and initiatives to improve satisfaction, survival and success of women
lawyers in their careers.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 14
Workplace Investigations |
All |
Focuses on improving the quality of workplace investigations that can involve diverse areas of
the law - human rights, privacy, workplace safety, evidence, privilege, administrative principles of
fair process, and contractual elements involving employer policies. The Section provides meaningful
opportunities for lawyers to learn and discuss changes in relevant legislation, as well as case law
updates, and best practices.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 4
Young Lawyers - Lower Mainland* |
Vancouver |
Provides opportunities for networking as well as continuing legal education focussed on issues
which arise early on in practice. Some locations also provide opportunities to volunteer in the
larger community. All law students, articling students and lawyers who have been in practice for
less than 10 years are welcome.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 9
Young Lawyers - Okanagan* |
Yale |
Provides opportunities for networking as well as continuing legal education focussed on issues
which arise early on in practice. Some locations also provide opportunities to volunteer in the
larger community. All law students, articling students and lawyers who have been in practice for
less than 10 years are welcome.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 4
Young Lawyers - Victoria* |
Victoria |
Provides opportunities for networking as well as continuing legal education focussed on issues
which arise early on in practice. Some locations also provide opportunities to volunteer in the
larger community. All law students, articling students and lawyers who have been in practice for
less than 10 years are welcome.
Meetings/Events Held 2022/2023: 5